Estimation of selection material of winter wheat in arid conditions of the northeastern Steppe of Ukraine

  • R.S. Viskub Donetsk State Agricultural Research Station National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.B. Bondareva Donetsk State Agricultural Research Station National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: selection, winter wheat, hybrid combination, yield, drought resistance, precocity


Purpose. To analyze the source selection material for the selection of high-yielding precocious forms of winter soft wheat in the conditions of the north-eastern steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, laboratory, calculation and statistical, analysis and synthesis. Results. Hybridization used simple, complex, as well as crossbreeding of maternal forms under free wind pollination with a mixture of selected parent varieties, which allows to obtain a wider range of cleavage and increase the selection of hybrid populations of valuable numbers. Selection from hybrid populations was carried out by ear productivity, precocity, while attention was paid to the following features: plant height, number of developed spikelets in the ear, ear graininess, diseases and pests. Since the limiting factor in the meteorological conditions of Donetsk region for the formation of large grain is the early onset of heat, to obtain coarse-grained wheat genotypes were selected forms on the basis of early earing, thereby extending the period of earing-ripening. 42 hybrid combinations were studied in the competitive variety trial. The best hybrid combinations gk784/1 x Povaha and gk94/117 x Dosvid formed a grain yield of 7,52 and 7,77 t/ha, ie exceeded by 0,74 and 0,99 t/ha the standard of Donetskaya 48 (6,78 t/ha). According to the results of phenological observations, two samples were identified by the indicator of early maturity gk491 (gk704/1x Povaha) and gk598 (Lan25 x gk789/1), which were eroded 2-4 days before the Donetskaya 48 standard and for three years of study showed this feature stably. In a small competitive variety test, 52 numbers were studied, 7 best numbers were selected for drought resistance, which exceeded the Donetskaya 48 standard (7,89 t/ha) by 0,71–2,08 t/ha in terms of yield. Hybrid combinations Lan25 x Kuyalnyk, gk784/1 x Podyaka and gk784/1 x Titona sprouted 3 days earlier than the standard. Conclusions. According to the results of the competitive variety testing, the best hybrid combinations were gk784/1 x Povaha and gk94/117 x Dosvid, which formed a grain yield of 7,52 and 7,77 t/ha, ie exceeded the standard of Donetskaya 48 (6,78 t/ha) by 0,74 and 0,99 t/ha. The hybrid combinations gk491 (gk704/1 x Povaha) and gk598 (Lan25 x gk789/1) consistently showed a sign of precocity during the three years of study. According to the results of a small competitive variety test, seven best numbers were found in terms of drought resistance, which exceeded the Donetskaya 48 standard (7,89 t/ha) by 0,71–2,08 t/ha in terms of yield, including hybrid combinations Lan25 x Kuyalnik, gk784/1 x Podyaka and gk784/1 x Titona got out 3 days earlier than standard.


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