Genetic control and recombination of the features of lodging resistance in winter wheat hybrids under different growing conditions

  • V.V. Bazaliy Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • Ye.O. Domaratskyy Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • I.V. Boychuk Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • O.V. Teteruk Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • O.P. Kozlova Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • H.H. Bazaliy Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: hybrid populations, crossing, winter wheat, variety, genotype, phenotype, productivity


The aim of the article is to establish genetic control and recombination of signs of resistance to lodging in wheat hybrids under different growing conditions. Materials and methods of research. Varieties and forms of different genetic and ecological origin were used in the research. The original varieties and forms for crossbreeding were selected so as to ensure a complex manifestation of valuable biological and economic traits. Research results. The research results allowed determining that intermediate inheritance was mainly observed in hybrid populations generated on a genetic basis of tall varieties (110 cm and taller) of parental forms (type Р1 tall / Р2 tall). The crossing of low varieties (type Р1 low / Р2 low) considerably increased (to 9.5%) the number of combinations with heterosis by stem length. This type of inheritance manifested itself distinctly in the hybrids generated from the crossing of the varieties Odeska halfdwarf, Rusalka, Saniia, NS471, Obrii, Khersonska beardless, Viktoriia odeska, Solomiia, Znakhidka and others. The use of half-dwarf varieties, in particular, Odeska half-dwarf as a recurrent component, reproduces its phenotype in hybrid descendants almost completely for two backcrosses. Conclusion. The research made it possible to maintain that the greatest contribution of the formation of low recombinants was made by KMB1, Rusalka, Odeska half-dwarf, Saniia, NS371, Khersonska 86. When examining them in special cyclic crossings with different forms and varieties we observed a different genetic control of the stem length. The crossings between low varieties allowed obtaining positive transgressions by the stem length, their descendants being characterized by high productivity. The use of half-dwarf varieties as recurrent components in backcrossing reproduced their phenotypes in hybrid descendants almost entirely. The character of manifestation of the stem length of different morpho- biotypes of winter wheat was mainly explained by a variety genotype (73.0%). The morpho-biotypes with the stem length of 80–90 cm and 90–100 cm are the most adapted varieties to irrigated conditions and fallow pre-crops.


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