Soil method of utilization of used mushroom beds by pre-treatment with EM Bioactive

  • M.M. Kovalov Central Ukrainian National Technical University
Keywords: straw-containing wastes of mushroom production, soil method of utilization, EM Bioactive, resource-saving technology


At present, the issue of reproduction of soil fertility onthe basis of biologization of agriculture becomes increasinglyimportant. The need for its solution is conditioned bythe fact that the development of agriculture requires considerationof the laws of nature in order to preserve its resourcepotential by reducing man-made loads and energy costs. Atthe same time, the recovery of used straw mushroom bedsas an organic fertilizer is of key importance. From the agrochemicalpoint of view, the expediency of soil use of thistype of waste has recently emerged. A significant massof its organic matter is utilized, providing soil with the substratefor humus formation and nutrients.The objective of the research was to develop an ecologicallysafe technology for the utilization of industrialmushroom production waste, which would be as easy touse as possible and at the same time cheap to use microbiologicalpreparations.Methods. Agrochemical analysis, field experiment inshort-rotation grain-grass crop rotation using mineral fertilizers,biological product and straw waste of mushroomproduction, yield and quality characteristics of barley grainwere used. Agrotechnics of barley cultivation in experimentswas generally accepted for the zone of the northernSteppe of Ukraine.Results. According to the results of laboratory fieldresearch in the northern Steppe of Ukraine, the possibility of the soil method of utilization of straw waste with their inoculationwith the biological product EM Bioactive in combinationwith mineral fertilizers in the technology of barley cultivationis substantiated. As a result of research, it was found thatthe application of straw waste together with the biological producthelps to activate soil micro flora and improve the supplyof nutrients to plants. Their application with mineral fertilizers(N60P40K35) has a positive effect on the productivity and qualitycharacteristics of barley grain. The efficiency of their applicationin the soil method of straw waste utilization on the exampleof barley has been economically substantiated.Conclusions. The application of straw-containing substancesinoculated with the biological product together withnitrogen additives leads to the improvement of agrophysicalcondition of the soil, its water and nutrient regimes. Whenusing straw-containing waste in combination with a biologicalproduct and nitrogen fertilizers, the increase in barleyproductivity increased by an average of 12–15%. To obtainhigher productivity, it is necessary to apply straw wasteand biological product together with mineral fertilizers. Theuse of straw waste, biological product and nitrogen fertilizershas a cost-effective effect on improving ecological functionsof typical chernozem.


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