Dynamics of leaf surface area and yield of soybean varieties depending on the elements of technology under drip irrigation
The aim is to establish the complex influence of different variants of plant density and treatment with biological products on the dynamics of leaf surface area formation and on the level of realization of genetic potential of grain productivity of soybean varieties of different maturity groups under irrigation conditions. Methods. Integrated use of field, laboratory, mathematical-statistical, calculation- comparative methods and system analysis. Results. Analysis of the influence of the leaf surface area of soybean varieties at certain stages of development on grain yield showed that there is a strong positive correlation between yield and leaf area at all stages of plant development. This indicates that at all stages of development of soybean plants of all varieties it is necessary to technologically ensure the optimal development of the leaf surface through the use of biological products and regulation of agrocenosis density. However, the dependence of grain yield and leaf surface area at the stage of “bean formation” was slightly higher (correlation coefficient was 0.778… 0.941). This stage is crucial in laying the potential productivity (the number of productive beans per plant, the number of seeds in the bean), so to form the optimum leaf surface at this stage it is necessary to control technological measures and previous stages of soybean plants depending on varietal characteristics. It was found that in the phase of bean formation the largest leaf area and yield was in precocious varieties Diona, Monarch with a plant density of 900 thousand plants / ha, in the middle-early Sofia, Aratta the largest leaf area and yield was observed at a density of 700 thousand plants/ha. In the middle-ripening Svyatogor and Danai, the maximum assimilation area of leaves and yield was observed at a density of 500 thousand plants/ha, further increase in plant density did not provide an increase in performance due to excessive coenotic stress in soybean crops. Conclusions. To obtain the maximum grain yield under irrigation, it is necessary to sow early soybean varieties at a density of 900 thousand plants/ha, medium-early – at a density of 700 thousand plants/ha and medium-ripe varieties – at a density of 500 thousand plants/ha. The use of the biological product Bio-gel increased the grain yield of varieties by 3.6–6.5%, the biological product Helafitcombi – by 7.9–12.9%.
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