Peculiarities of growth and development of grain sorghum variety Dniprovs’kyi 39 depending on the density of agrocenosis in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine

  • A.D. Gyrka Institute of Grain Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • Ya.V. Alieksieiev Institute of Grain Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: sorghum, row spacing, stand density, growth and development, grain yield


Purpose. To investigate and substantiate the optimal nutrition area for plants of grain sorghum variety Dniprovs’kyi 39 in the conditions of Northern Steppe of Ukraine, taking into consideration the hydrothermal factors. Methods. The researches were carried out by the method of field experiments at the Erastivka Experimental Station of the SI Institute of Grain Crops of NAAS during 2011–2014. The experiment is based on the scheme: sowing methods with a row spacing of 45 and 70 cm, plant density was formed in the range from 80 to 180 thous./ha with a gradation every 20 thousand. Field studies were performed in accordance with zonal recommendations and generally accepted methods for sorghum cultivation. Results. As a result of research, conducted to determine the optimal nutrition area and plants stand density of grain sorghum variety Dniprovs’kyi 39 with different sowing methods, established the parameters of the optimal density of sorghum plants under different weather conditions in the years of research. Findings. It is established that the optimal plants stand density of grain sorghum variety Dniprovs’kyi 39, regardless of the weather conditions of the growing zone, with a row spacing of 45 cm is 140–160 thous./ ha, and with a row spacing of 70 cm – 120–140 thous./ ha. Observations of the growth and development of grain sorghum variety Dniprovs’kyi 39 showed, that the sowing methods and plants stand density did not affect the timing and duration of the main phenological phases of crop development. It was found that sowing sorghum with a row spacing of 45 and 70 cm does not significantly affect the total water consumption of plants during the growing season. Higher grain yield was formed when sowing crop with a row spacing of 45 cm (4,62–4,54 t/ha) at sowing densities of 140–160 thous./ha and 70 cm (4,57 t/ha), in crops with plants density of 120–140 thous./ha.


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