Purpose: The aim of our research was to determine the peculiarity of the formation of bubbles on soybean roots in a layer of 0–20 cm and their effect on seed yield depend-ing on the density of plant standing against the back-ground of the use of various doses of nitrogen fertilizers. Research methods: field, laboratory, statistical. Results. It was found that when soybean crops were thickened, fewer bubbles were formed on plants with a lower mass. But due to the increase in the density of standing plants, the formation of bubbles per 1 ha of seeding and their mass increased at different food backgrounds. Also, studies have found that increasing the content of soluble nitrogen-containing compounds in the field with the intro-duction of N60 does not prevent their symbiosis with nod-ule bacteria. Indicators of the best activity of the sym-biotic process were obtained at a plant stand density of 600 thousand units/ha, while the maximum yield of soy-bean seeds was formed. It was determined that the abil-ity of soybean plants to absorb nitrogen is inversely pro-portional to high summer air temperatures. Findings. As the density of soybean crops increases, fewer bubbles are formed on plants with a lower mass. But due to the higher density of plant standing, the formation of the number of bubbles per hectare and their mass increased – 225 g, 261 g-against the background of N30 and N60, respectively. The maximum mass of bubbles, 0,36 and 0,37 g/plant, equal to 216–222 kg/ha is formed in variants with the intro-duction of N30 and N60 at a plant density of 600 thousand units/ha. By regulating the density of standing soybean plants, it is possible to significantly influence the formation of nitrogen-fixing capacity of plants.
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