The purpose of the study was to study and preserve samples of the gene pool collection of essential oil plants of the Institute of Climate Smart Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, to determine the sources and donors of economically valuable traits that will be used as parental forms in further breeding, taking into account modern trends in breeding these crops. Methods. The general scientific research methods – empirical (experiment, observation, description) and theoretical (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, induction, deduction, explanation, classification) were used for research. Results. Today, the collection of aromatic and medicinal plants of the Institute of Climate Smart Agriculture of the NAAS of Ukraine includes about 160 specimens, of which 78 are entered in the information system passport database of the "Plant Gene Fund" at the National Center of Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine. The seeds of 32 samples of essential oil and medicinal plants were transferred on preserving to the bank at the N National Center of Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine. The majority of the collection (112 samples) are essential oil and spicy plants. Among them, the largest number of samples is represented by such genera as Lavandula L. (26), Monarda L. (9), Artemisia L. (9), Salvia L. (9), Thymus L. (8), Ocimum L. (8), Hyssopus L. (7), Satureja L. (6), Nepeta L. (6) and others. The following genera are represented by a smaller number of samples: Mentha L. (5), Agastasche J. Clayton ex Gronov (4), Origanum L. (4), Helichrysum Mill. (3), Dracocephalum L. (3) and others. As a result of phenological observations, it was established that the introduced and created samples of essential oil and medicinal plants adapted well, went through all phases of development normally and gave fullfledged seeds. Vegetation of plants in the conditions of the Southern Steppe began depending on the climatic conditions of the year. Conclusions. 56 sources and donors of valuable features were selected among the investigated samples of the collection. 48 samples with valuable traits were used in the breeding work to create new varieties of aromatic plants promising for cultivation in the conditions of the Southern Steppe. The use of the collection samples with various economically valuable traits increases the effectiveness of selection work in the creation of new varieties and hybrids with excellent characteristics and a high manifestation of selectively valuable traits adapted to cultivation in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine and beyond. The collection of essential oil and medicinal plants created by the Institute is part of the "Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine" and is recognized as a National Heritage.
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