Keywords: winter wheat, 1,4-bisdiazoacetylbutane, mutations, rate, spectra.


The study of the mutagenic activity of various factors is really of great importance for increasing the efficiency of the induction of economic and valuable forms. This is especially true of chemical mutagenesis, where conditions can be adjusted to produce more beneficial results. Purpose. The aim was to study the frequencies and spectra of ecogenetic variability in modern varieties of winter wheat, to identify the key moments of hereditary variability by signs and depending on the input material. Methods. Seeds of 4 varieties of winter wheat Perspektyva Odeska, Sonata Poltavska, Shpalivka, MIP Lada were treated with a solution of the chemical mutagen DAB (1,4-bisdiazoacetylbutane) in concentrations of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3%. In the M2– M3 generations, mutant families were selected by visual assessment, phenophase analysis, structural analysis, and grain yield analysis. Results. 8,000 families in the second- third generation were studied. Usual concentrations typical for breeding practice were used. At the same time, even a higher DAB concentration of 0.3% did not lead to a significant decrease in viability. With statistical reliability, the overall frequency of mutations was influenced by the indicators of increased concentration and initial form, in pairwise comparisons, the variety Perspektiva Odeska differed significantly, in all cases the variants differ from each other and from the control, except for DAB 0.1 and 0.2% for the variety Perspektiva Odeska. The level of variability was influenced by both the concentration increase indicator and the genotype indicator, and the variety Perspektiva Odeska variety was separated in a pairwise comparison. In the spectrum, a total of 27 changed signs in 6 groups of variability were obtained, it is possible to reliably predict for this mutagen on this material a high number (in comparison) of high-stemmed mutants, forms with a long spike. There are also good prospects for changes in terms of maturity. Other options are unlikely. For the process of hereditary variability, discriminant analysis established the modeling of individual parameters by groups. It was significant in terms of frequency, level of variability, and mutations in the first and fourth groups. Discriminant analysis showed no difference in the effect of DAB 0.1 and 0.2%. Findings. There is a high probability of obtaining valuable forms with a long eared ear and regular occurrence of valuable early-ripening forms, but the situation is worsened by the presence of regular occurrence of late-ripening and high-stem changes. Using the DAB range of 0.1–0.2% is not advisable, but even 0.3% DAB does not lead to obtaining a significant amount of valuable material. The studied raw material is not very effective in practical use in combination with DAB.


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