Purpose. To find out the peculiarities of yield formation and quality of mustard seeds depending on varietal characteristics, terms and methods of sowing in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field – accounting of seed yield, laboratory – determination of germination energy, germination and weight of 1000 seeds, dispersion method – assessment of the reliability of the data obtained. Results. As a result of the study, it was found that when sowing in the first and second decade of April, t 6–7 °C, significantly more pods were formed per plant for both sowing methods and, accordingly, the seed yield was significantly higher than at a later sowing date for all varieties. Sowing methods also influenced the productivity of mustard In the narrow-row method of sowing, depending on the genotype, the seed yield increased by 0.25–0.45 t/ha, and in the wide-row method – by 0.35–0.51 t/ha. at the early sowing date compared to the second later date. Seed yields varied depending on varietal characteristics. It was the highest in the first term of sowing by narrow-row method of Ariadne (1.84 t/ha), Oslava (1.83 t/ha) and Pidpecheretska (1.76 t/ha), while the yield of Tsarivna Pivnochi and Etalon varieties was much lower and amounted to 1.58 and 1.67 t/ha, respectively. The largest influence on the formation of seed yield was the influence of the factor «sowing time» and amounted to 66.1%, the influence of the factor «sowing method» was less and amounted to 24.6%, the influence of the factor «variety» was much less – 7.1%. The influence of other factors and their interaction was insignificant. Seed quality – germination energy and germination rate were high and ranged from 95 to 99% of all varieties, no significant difference was found depending on the time and method of sowing. Conclusions. It was found that varietal characteristics, terms and methods of sowing mustard significantly affect the seed yield and weight of 1000 seeds, which were significantly higher when sown in the first (early) term than when sown in the second (later) term. At the same time, no significant difference was found in germination energy and seed germination.
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