Keywords: perennial ryegrass, cultivars, care, lawn grasses, sowing qualities, germination energy.


Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is an important crop for agriculture and landscaping in temperate regions of the world. It plays a key role in the creation of lawns and fodder production. The study of its biological characteristics is relevant both for Ukraine and other countries. Objective. To determine the most promising methods of propagation of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) plants of Ukrainian and foreign varieties and their use in the system of landscaping in Vinnytsia. Methods. Sowing qualities of seeds were evaluated in accordance with GOST 12038-84 on the basis of the scientific and measuring agrochemical laboratory of the Educational and Research Institute of Agrotechnology and Nature Management of VNAU. Germination was carried out at a stable temperature of +20 °C. The number of germinated seeds was counted on the 5th and 10th day of the experiment. Results. We found that the germination rate of perennial ryegrass seeds of five varieties on the 10th day of cultivation varied from 15% in the variety «Aiter» to 33% in the variety «Vinnytska». According to the results of the research, the seeds of ryegrass plants of the varieties «Vinnytska», «Kyivska-101», «Aitora», «Talgo» and «Mirtello» showed high germination energy and germination rate. The study showed that the germination energy of seeds of the five studied varieties of perennial ryegrass varied from 65% to 87%. The dependence of this indicator on the weight of 1000 seeds was noted. It was determined that in the variety “Vinnytska” with a mass of 1000 seeds of 1.8 g, the germination energy on the 5th day was 65%, while in the variety “Atera” with a larger mass of 1000 seeds (3.9 g) this figure reached 87%. Conclusions. The roots of all the studied samples of Lolium perenne L. seeds germinated on structured water were 18.3% longer compared to the control, where distilled water was used. Germination and germination energy of the seeds of the five Lolium perenne L. varieties studied by us vary depending on their weight, structure and water quality. When germinating seeds using structured water, the germination rate of four varieties increased by 2-5 times compared to distilled water, indicating intensive stimulation of seedling growth and root system formation. All the varieties of perennial ryegrass studied by us are quite promising in use for the system of landscaping of the territories of Vinnytsia city, the decorative score is 5.


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