Keywords: soybean plants, variety, seed inoculation, symbiotic nitrogen fixation, trace elements, grain yield.


Purpose. Investigate the importance of treating the inoculum of seeds with inoculants and feeding soybean plants with macro- and microelements. Methods. Theoretical studies of the work are based on the analysis of professional information, scientific generalization of literary sources; the practical part of the research was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the field experiment methodology. Results. It was established that during the pre-sowing inoculation of legumes, the number of nodule bacteria entering the soil depends on the size of the seeds, the density of the crops, and the inoculation method. Applying formulations in the form of rhizobial bacteria to the seed material improves the ability of soybean plants to fix atmospheric nitrogen and influence the increase in yield. The use of rhizobial bacteria is a natural way of increasing the amount of nitrogen available to plants and increasing and unlocking their yield potential. The inoculation of seed material with a highly effective strain of nodule bacterium Bradyrhizobium japonicum on the basis of sterilized peat and adhesive is of great importance in the technology of growing leguminous crops, which will have a significant positive effect on the symbiotic and grain productivity of soybeans. Soy is a leguminous crop that has a special nutritional profile. Soybean plants are characterized by a higher consumption of nutrients for crop formation than plants of the grain group, soybean unevenly absorbs macro- and microelements during the growing season, has the ability to use nitrogen from the air, use phosphorus and potassium compounds from the soil and process these reserves from plant stems into seeds. The lack of microelements negatively affects the yield, leads to damage by diseases, affects the quality of the grain. Trace elements are extremely important for the growth and development of soybean plants, their presence in sufficient quantity is a prerequisite for assimilation of nitrogen from the air. The most effective way to provide soybean plants with trace elements is foliar feeding with Vuksal Boron pH (a highly concentrated suspension for quickly providing plants with boron with additional adhesive and surfactant effects) in the budding phase, the second feeding in the bean filling phase, the rate of the drug is 1 l/ha, so we will provide 100% of the culture's need for trace elements. Conclusion. Based on the results of research on the effect of inoculation and the effectiveness of applying microfertilizer on Aratta and Sofia soybean varieties, a cultivation technology was developed taking into account the growth characteristics of plants.


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