Keywords: segetal vegetation, number, species, biological preparations, fertilizers.


Goal. To investigate the effect of the use of biological preparations of the growth-stimulating line of Bionorm on the spread of segetal vegetation in sunflower crops. Methods. The study of the influence of different fertilization systems on the clogging of sunflower crops by various types of weeds was conducted in 2022–2023 at the experimental field of the Agronomichne National Agricultural University of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. The soil of the research area is medium loam gray forest. Fertilizers were applied to sunflower crops according to the following scheme: ammonium nitrate (N60), double superphosphate (P60), nitroammophoska (N60P60K60), nitrogen-fixing biopreparation Bionorma nitrogen, phosphorus-binding biopreparation Bionorma phosphorus, Bionorma nitrogen + Bionorma phosphorus, N30 + Bionorma nitrogen, P30 + Bionorm phosphorus, N30 + Bionorm nitrogen + P30 + Bionorm phosphorus. The experiment also included growing unfertilized sunflower (control). The results. In general, the total number of weeds in sunflower crops from the phase of the 8th leaf to the beginning of the death of plants decreased on the variants N60 – by 73%, N60P60K60 – by 53%, control – by 40%, P30 + Bionorma phosphorus – by 25% and on N30P30 + Bionorm nitrogen + Bionorm phosphorus – by 26%. The number of weeds on the variants N30 + Bionorma nitrogen increased by 64%, Bionorma nitrogen + Bionorma phosphorus – by 50%, P30 + Bionorma phosphorus – by 15%. Conclusions. In the phase of the 8th sunflower leaf, depending on the fertilizer, 5 types of weeds were detected in his crops: gray mouse, white quinoa, common sorrel, common scotch and field birch. In this phase, the least amount of weeds was found with the options of mineral phosphorus fertilizer P60 – 20 pcs./m2, Bionorma nitrogen + Bionorma phosphorus and N30 + Bionorma nitrogen – 25 pcs./m2 each. The most weedy was the variant without fertilizer application – 133 pcs./m2. In the future, the number of weeds in the crops decreases the most on fertilizer options N60 – by 73%, N60P60K60 – by 53%.


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