The purpose – to establish the effectiveness of fungicides against the main diseases on winter barley in the conditions of Odesa region. Research methods and materials. Barley grain samples of the 2021-2023 winter harvest. were selected from the farm of "Elita" SC of the Izmail district of the Odesa region. The methodological basis of this research is: empirical (field selections; measurement of indicators of the research object), theoretical (putting forward a hypothesis and forming conclusions based on research results); statistical; mathematical. The results. It was found that the dominant diseases on the leaves of winter barley were net helmintosporiosis and septoriosis, the development of which during the growing season was in the range of 6.3-12.8% and 3.1-6.7%, respectively, by phase. The degree of development of powdery mildew, over the years of the study, was from 2.5 to 5.5% and rhynchosporiosis – 1.5-2.5%, according to experiments 1 and 2. The highest technical effectiveness of the fungicide was observed on the variants where Adexar CE Plus was used, k.e. (0.5 l/ha) it reached from 42.6 to 70.0%. In the variant, a significant increase in the weight of 1000 grains by 2.8 g and productivity by 0.36 t/ha compared to the control was noted. At the same time, the saved harvest was 9.3%, the grain germination was higher than in the control version by 10.0%. When using the fungicide Elatus Ria, 385 k.e. (0.6 l/ha) technical efficiency was in the range of 32.7-61.4%. At the same time, the mass of 1000 grains was higher than the control variant by 2.2 g, and the yield was higher by 0.31 t/ha than the control. The saved crop was 8.0%, while germination was 88.0%. Protection of winter barley crops with the modern fungicide Askra Xpro, k.e. with a consumption rate of 1.25 l/ha was quite effective and ranged from 34.2 to 67.0%. The weight of 1000 grains reached 40.0 g, and the grain yield was 4.18 t/ha, which was 0.33 t/ha more than the control. The saved harvest was 8.5%, the germination of the seeds of the experimental variant reached 90.0%. Treatment of crops with the fungicide Adexar SE Plus, k.e. (0.5 l/ha) had a positive effect on the protection of winter barley from diseases (Table 2). The effectiveness of the drug was at the level of 69.5-81.0%. At the same time, the saved harvest was 16.2%, and the germination of such seeds reached 96.0%. Treatment of crops with the drug Elatus Ria, 385 k.e. (0.6 l/ha) significantly contributed to the reduction of disease damage, the technical efficiency reached 62.3-76.4%. The mass of 1000 grains was 1.7 g higher compared to the control. The saved crop in the variant was 13.1%, germination was at the level of 94.0%. Research results of Askra Xpro fungicide, k.e. – 1.25 l/ha show that the treatment of plants with a fungicide had a positive effect on the protection of winter barley against leaf blight. The effectiveness of the drug was at the level of 65.4-84.2%. At the same time, the saved harvest was 14.9%, and the germination of such seeds reached 96.0%. Conclusions. Thus, the results obtained over the years of research indicate the effectiveness of using modern drugs to protect winter barley crops from leaf diseases. In the conditions of the Odesa region, the best protection of crops was achieved with a two-time application in the phase (spring tillering + emergence into the tube) with fungicides Adeksar SE Plus, k.e. with a consumption rate of 0.5 l/ha and Askra Xpro, k.e. with a consumption rate of 1.25 l/ha. Over the years of the study, the technical efficiency was quite high and averaged 74.9-75.7%, respectively.
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