The research is aimed at solving an actual problem, in particular, agrobiotechnological approaches to restoring soil fertility on roughly rehabilitated lands affected by hostilities (creating effective mechanisms for increasing soil fertility due to the accumulation of atmospheric nitrogen and the accumulation of organic matter during the cultivation of leguminous crops to enhance humification processes) simultaneous improvement of fodder production technology in order to improve the conversion of fodder into livestock products. Agro-biotechnological approaches have been developed to improve the effectiveness of the biological stage of reclamation of lands damaged in the course of hostilities by stabilizing the «soil-plant-environment » ecosystem from the cultivation of leguminous crops using an organized cultivation technology with the creation of useful microflora. It was determined that restoring the fertility of soils damaged by hostilities and contaminated with heavy metals and other substances is possible due to specialized technological techniques at the biological stage of land reclamation through the cultivation of legumes. In the course of the study, it was established that the greatest positive impact on the agro-ecological condition of the soil is achieved by the cultivation of soybeans with a relative index of 2.18. Increasing the area under leguminous crops in intensive crop rotations has a positive effect on the agroecological condition of the soil. It was determined that the mass of by-products that can be plowed into the soil is the highest when growing legumes – 3.5 t/ha. At the same time, by-products of legumes are characterized by the highest content of mineral phosphorus – 3.6 kg/t, providing the highest removal of mineral phosphorus 12.6 kg/ha and potassium 16.5 kg/ha among all leguminous crops. It was also determined that soybean by-products are characterized by the highest content of nitrogen – 12.0 kg/t, phosphorus – 3.6 kg/t and potassium – 5.0 kg/t, which allows to accumulate the most mineral content in the soil with by-products after growing soybeans nitrogen – 38.4 kg/ha. Also, soybean is characterized by the highest symbiotic nitrogen-fixing capacity among all leguminous crops – 120 kg/ha.
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