Keywords: variety, hybrid, productivity, alcohol yield, gas yield.


Aims. To determine the technological parameters of bioenergetics of different sugar sorghum cultivars depending on the growing conditions. Methods. Field – launching experiments, recording stem yield, calculation – yield of bioethanol, solid fuel, energy, analysis, statistical. Results. All cultivar samples had a higher yield at a higher plant density per hectare. It is more reasonable to harvest the green mass with one cut in the waxy-ripened stage of the sugar sorghum grain. In years with low humidity, sugar sorghum reduces the yield of green mass by 30–50%, both in the first and second sowing periods. The dry matter harvest directly depended on the yield of green mass of varieties of sugar sorghum. The green mass of all variety samples under all growing conditions (sowing time, plant density, harvest time) had a dry matter content of 20.5–21.2%. Therefore, the characteristic of dry mass yield is similar to the yield of green mass. It is better to grow early and mid-early varieties of sugar sorghum (Favoryt, Medovyi) during two-cut harvesting, provided that the first cut is in the flowering stage, later varieties do not allow the regrowth of sorghum due to insufficient humidity. With insufficient humidity or late sowing, the best results are obtained by growing mid-late and late varieties (Zubr, Medovyi) of sugar sorghum by onecut harvesting in the waxy-ripened stage. Conclusions. It was found that in order to obtain the highest yield of sugar sorghum green mass, as a raw material for the production of bioethanol and biogas, under the conditions of cultivation in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine, the optimal plant density for the Favoryt, Zubr, Mamont, Medovyi varieties is 150–200 thousand plants per 1 ha with 45 cm row spacing. The optimal sowing time for sugar sorghum is the first and second decade of May, when the soil temperature at the sowing depth is 12–14 ºС. Under the conditions of high temperatures and low rainfall, the best crop was obtained when harvesting sugar sorghum in the waxy-ripened stage.


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