Keywords: dump, textile waste, soil contamination, phytotoxicity, bioindication, environmental monitoring, de-occupied territories, anthropogenic impact.


The work is devoted to soil’s ecological state study at textile waste dumps, in particular, in the territory of the Dergachy territorial community (Kharkiv region). This problem is important due to textile waste rapid accumulation as a result of industrial activity, trade, low-quality textiles import and military conflict in Ukraine, which worsened the situation with waste disposal. The article examines factors affecting the textile waste generation process in Kharkiv and nearest territories, in particular the enterprises destruction, population migration and changes in the demand for textile products. The main attention is paid to dumps, which become a source of soil and groundwater pollution. Objective. To study the ecological condition of soils in the area of unauthorized textile waste dumps within the Dergachivska Territorial Community using bioindication methods. Methods. Soil samples were collected in the field using the quadrat method (10×10 m) at a depth of up to 25 cm, following the DSTU ISO 10381–6:2015 standard. Soil quality was assessed through plant growth analysis, following the method for determining soil phytotoxicity under DSTU B V.2.1-17:2009, DSTU ISO 10390:2022, and DSTU ISO 11269–2:2002. Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) was selected to evaluate the cumulative impact of harmful substances on the soil ecosystem. Results. Impact textile waste dumps in the city of Dergachi, Kharkiv region revealed a significant negative effect on soil systems. It was found that textile waste containing synthetic materials and chemical additives (dyes, formaldehyde resins) significantly increased soil toxicity. A soil comparison from dumps and household areas showed that soils from textile dumps had higher density, lower pH levels, and significantly worse conditions for plant growth. This was confirmed by biotesting on beetroot, where polluted soils exhibited a high level of phytotoxic effect (75%), indicating a substantial environmental risk to local ecosystems. Conclusions. The study demonstrated that the textile waste accumulation in the Dergachivska community, especially due to military actions and dumps, has a negative impact on the soil quality. Waste containing synthetic materials and chemical additives increases soil toxicity, reduces its productivity, and disrupts natural biogeochemical cycles. This is proved by the phytotoxicity study, which revealed significant degradation in soil quality, posing risks to both public health and ecosystems.


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