Goal. To identify and scientifically substantiate the peculiarities of the formation of grain productivity of winter wheat depending on herbicides and foliar application of complex fertiliser. Methods. The research was carried out during 2022–2023 in the conditions of the farm "Zerno Rod" in the village of Shpykiv, Tulchyn district. The experimental work was carried out to control weeds in crops by means of chemical measures. In the course of the study, a combination of general scientific methods was used: hypothesis, observation, analysis; and special methods: laboratory and field. Indicators were processed using mathematical statistics. Research results. Analysis of the results of studies of weed infestation of winter wheat agrocenosis in the spring showed that the abundance of weeds in the control plots was within 83 pcs/m2, including cereal weeds – 31 pcs/m2, dicotyledons – 52 pcs/m2. On the plots where wheat crops were sprayed with Monitor Plus herbicide + Selfie surfactant at the normal rate (26 g/ha + 40 ml/ha), the level of weeds decreased by 88,3% compared to the control plots. This herbicide was effective against cereal weeds (mousegrass, bentgrass, chicken millet, creeping wheatgrass), the level of death of these weeds was 92,9% compared to the control plots. The death rate of dicotyledonous weeds was 85,7%. On the control plots without herbicide treatment, the average wheat yield over the two years was 1,87 t/ha. On the plots where Taylor herbicide was applied at a rate of 25 g/ha during the tillering period of winter wheat, the average wheat grain yield for the two years was 4,84 t/ha. The increase to the control was 2,97 t/ha. In the experimental plots where a mixture of Taylor herbicides at a rate of 20 g/ha + Monitor Plus + Selfie surfactant at a rate of 20 g/ha + 40 ml/ha was used in winter wheat crops, the grain yield was 5,21 t/ha. Conclusions. The highest winter wheat grain yields were recorded in the areas where the mixture of herbicides Taylor + Monitor Plus + Selfie surfactant was used at the consumption rate (20 g/ha + 20 g/ha + 40 ml/ha) + foliar spraying with Quantum AminoMax 200 complex fertiliser at the consumption rate of 1,0 l/ha, the level of wheat grain yield averaged 5,64 t/ha over the two years of research, which is 3,77 t/ha or 202% more than the control.
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