Goal. Comprehensive clarification of the peculiarities of the formation of sunflower productivity depending on the action of Euro-Land herbicide, adhesive and stimulating and anti-stress drugs. Methods. The research was conducted during 2022–2023 in the conditions of the FG "Antey – Agro" village. Stanislavchyk of Zhmeryn district. Experimental work was carried out on the control of weeds in agrocenoses of sunflower at the expense of chemical measures. In the process of carrying out the research, a combination of general scientific methods was used: hypothesis, observation, analysis; and special: laboratory and field. Indicators were processed by methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. On the control plots without application of drugs, at the first count, the abundance of weeds was within 153 pcs/m2, of which 87 pcs/m2 were dicots/m2, respectively, 66 pcs/m2 of grasses. As a result of applying Euro-Land herbicide at the rate of 1,1 l/ha in the phase of 4 sunflower leaves, a significant reduction of weeds was noted in the studied areas. The abundance of weeds decreased by 91% compared to the control plots. The introduction of a tank mixture of herbicide Euro-Land, at the rate of consumption of 1,1 l/ha and surfactant Shtilvet Super at the rate of consumption of 300 ml/ha contributed to the reduction of weediness of sunflower crops by 97% compared to the control plots. The number of weeds during the period of harvesting sunflower seeds in these areas was within 4 pcs/m2. On the plots where the Euro-Land tank mixture was applied at the rate of consumption of 1,2 l/ha + the surfactant Shtilvet Super at the rate of consumption of 300 ml/ha + and later foliar spraying of Agrinos B was carried out, at the rate of consumption of 1,5 l/ha seed yield of sunflower on average for two years of research was at the level of 4,02 t/ha. Conclusions. The effectiveness of weed control in sunflower crops with the application of a tank mixture of the herbicide Euro-Land at the rate of consumption of 1,2 l/ha + the surfactant Shtilvet Super at the rate of consumption of 300 ml/ha + and subsequent foliar spraying of Agrinos B at the rate of consumption was noted 1,5 l/ha. As a result of the measures, the average yield of sunflower seeds over the years of research was at the level of 4,02 t/ha, which is 2,98 t/ha more than the control plots.
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