Keywords: drained lands, moisture conditions, inter-sectoral optimization, bioenergy, capital expenditures, net profit, payback period, land and water user associations.


Purpose. The aim of the study is to analyze the profitability of modern crop production technologies in Western Polissia, focusing on identifying key factors that determine profitability levels, and to develop scientifically grounded recommendations for improving the profitability of agribusiness enterprises through the optimization of production processes based on a comprehensive analysis. Research Methods: Field, laboratory, economico-statistical, and comparative methods. Prospective development directions for agricultural production were explored using multi-variant simulation computer modeling. The study was conducted on meliorated lands covering 13 melioration systems managed by the Shatsk Drainage Systems Administration within the Shatsk and Luboml administrative districts of Volyn Region. Multi-variant computer modeling of agricultural production prospects in these areas was carried out using the Agroecosystem software complex, employing regional statistical data. Results: Statistical data analysis showed that in favorable years, grain yield in Volyn Region can reach 5 t/ha. It was determined that even in the most favorable years, the costs of reconstructing melioration systems are economically unviable. It was concluded that even maximum optimization of wheat cultivation conditions will not significantly increase profitability. Inter-sectoral production optimization was proposed to enhance economic efficiency through multifunctional use of plant biomass. A software complex, Agroecosystem, was developed for computer modeling of interactions between various production components and their efficiency factors. Two of the most promising development options for agricultural production on meliorated lands in Western Polissia were identified and proposed. Conclusions: Bioenergy agricultural production on meliorated lands in Western Polissia will yield 0.3 t/ha of fiber, 0.3-0.4 t/ha of oil, 1.3-1.6 t/ha of meat-dairy products, 1.7-2.1 thousand m³/ha of methane gas, and 4-5 t/ha of organic fertilizers. This will create closed cycles of biogenic elements (90-100%) and reduce production costs by 30%. Transitioning to organic production will increase the sale price by 30-50%. Soil productivity will rise by 0.3-0.4 t/ha of crop equivalents per year, and CO2 emissions will decrease by 10 t/ha. The expansion of bioenergy agroecosystem areas will be 50-60% annually. Environmental well-being will be achieved through waste utilization, minimization of agrochemicals, and optimization of crop rotation, which will also provide employment and comfortable living conditions for rural populations.


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