Keywords: variety, yield, vitrification, productivity, gluten content, adaptability.


Purpose. In the conditions of the North-Eastern Forest- Steppe of Ukraine, the purpose of the research was to study winter wheat varieties created in different breeding centers. To assess the possibility of rational use of agrometeorological resources and to reveal the dependence of the variety's potential to form a harvest and grain quality indicators. To improve adaptive technologies for growing grain crops in the conditions of the zone of unstable moisture. Methods. Research methods: field, laboratory, analytical, statistical. The establishment of experiments and their location were carried out in accordance with the methodological recommendations "Methodical guidelines for conducting field research and studying the technology of growing grain crops". Statistical processing of the results of the experiments was carried out using the dispersion method, while the Statistica 6.0. application package was used. Results. According to the results of our research, it was established that the length of the spike varied from 7.8 to 9.1 cm. The longest spike length was found in the Bohdana variety and was 9.1 cm, which is 2.2% (8.9 cm) more than in the Vygadka variety, by 8.8% (8.3 cm) than in the Pylypivka variety and by 14.3% (7.8 cm) compared to the Kraevyd variety. Thus, the smallest spike length was obtained in the Kraevyd variety and was 7.8 cm. In our research, it was found that the number of grains from an ear varied from 27.4 pcs. up to 30.1 pcs. It was found that the maximum number of grains in an ear was formed in the Bohdana variety – 30.1 pcs. The maximum values of grain weight in the ear of the Bohdana variety were found to be 1.28 g. Compared to the Vygadka variety, the weight of the grain in the ear was lower by 6.3% (1.20 g), with the Pylypivka variety by 12.5% (1.12 g) and with the Kraevyd variety by 15.6% (1.08 g). A direct dependence of the mass of 1000 seeds on the variety was established (LSD05 = 0.77). The maximum values of this indicator were obtained in the Bohdana variety – 42.5 g, and the lowest weight of 1000 seeds was noted in the Kraevyd variety – 39.4 g. The vitrification of winter wheat grain in our experiments, depending on the variety, ranged from 35.0 to 42.0%. The highest index of vitrification was obtained on the variant with the Kraevyd variety – 42.0%, which is superior to the Vygadka variety by 4.0%, the Bohdana variety by 5.0%, and the Pylypivka variety by 7.0%. The content of gluten in wheat grains, depending on the variety, had a significant difference. Namely, the largest amount of gluten was obtained from the Kraevyd variety – 23.1%, which is more compared to the Vygadka variety by 5.1% (18.0%), the Bohdana variety by – 7.1% (16.0%), the Pylypivka variety by 8.1% (15.0%). The maximum amount of protein was recorded in the Kraevyd winter wheat variety – 12.6%, somewhat lower protein values were obtained in the Vygadka variety – 11.0%, and the lowest amount of protein was noted in the Bohdana and Pylypivka varieties – 10.0%. Conclusions. In the conditions of the North-Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, the processes of forming the level of productivity and grain quality of winter wheat varieties were studied. An assessment of the resistance of varieties of different origin to specific weather conditions of the growing season was carried out. Varieties with high adaptive potential were identified. Under such conditions, the highest level of individual productivity was ensured by Bohdana and Vygadka varieties, and by flour milling and bread-making properties – Kraevyd variety.


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