Evaluation of phytotoxic activity of peroxul herbicide using chitosan and colloid solutions
Purpose of the study was to evaluate the phytotoxic effect of the herbicide pyroxulam with the use of chitosan and colloidal copper solution in combination with silver on dicotyledonous weeds, parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence induction (IFH). Results. The article presents the results of a recent assessment of the phytotoxic effect of herbicide pyroxules with chitosan and coloids of Cu and Ag. The research has been carried out with pea plants (Pisum sativum L.) on the growing site of the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It is found that the greatest inhibition of pea plant growth and reduction of chlorophyll has been obtained in the variant with a combination of piroxulam, chitosan and colloidal solution of Cu + Ag, the reduction compared to the control was 2,5 times. The best indicators in comparison with the control has been found in the variant with chitosan. The colloidal solution had lower indicators compared to chitosan by 25%. Treatment of plants with pyroxulane led to a decrease in photosynthetic activity of plants, with the formation of minimum values for 6 hours. The combination of pyroxulane with chitosan, a variant with colloidal solutions led to a decrease in 30 minutes and return to normal or improvement in a week. A similar nature of the changes was observed in plants treated with pure chitosan, but in this case the return to normal was observed after 6 hours. The use of three solutions in the complex (variant 5) caused a decrease in photosynthetic activity, which was observed after a week, although at the beginning of the measurement the difference was not significant. Conclusions. The positive effect was manifested by the use of colloidal solution, where the weight of plants increased compared to the control by 16%. All study variants had a phytotoxic effect, which manifested itself on different days after treatment. But within a week it decreased, except for the option with the complex use of pyroxulam + chitosan + colloidal solution (Cu + Ag).
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