Purpose. To determine the effect of clonal rootstocks in combination with promising and recommended peach (Prunus persica Mill) cultivars on the intensity of growth processes of the trees in the orchard in the conditions of the Right-Bank part of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. The research was carried out in peach orchard planted in 2013 experimental plots of the Institute of Horticulture (IH) of NAAS of Ukraine. Promising winter-hardy cultivars of the IH NAAS selection ‘Knyazhe zoloto’, ‘Knyazhe bahatstvo’, ‘Knyazhegradskyi’ and recommeded ‘Liubymets II’ and ‘Redhaven’ in combination with clonal rootstocks ‘Krymsk®1’, ‘Druzhba’, ‘Pumiselect’ and cherry-plum seedlings (as the control) were studied. The study of the main biometric indicators of growth was carried out in accordance with the “Methods of field research on fruit crops”. Results. The article analyses the peculiarities of the vigour of peach trees in the intensive orchard depending on the scion- rootstock combination. It was determined that peach trees grafted on ‘Krymsk® 1’ rootstock had 44 % smaller trunk cross-sectional area compared to the trees on cherry- plum seedlings (32.6 cm2). Trees on ‘Pumiselect’ rootstock had this index lower by 30 %, while on the ‘Druzhba’ it was 15 % higher compared to the control. Among the cultivars, ‘Knyazhe bahatstvo’ and ‘Knyazhegradskyi’ stood out. Canopy projection area and volume of the trees had the highest values when grafted on the clonal rootstock ‘Druzhba’, which was 1.5‒1.7 times higher than on cherry-plum seedlings (control). For the cultivars, the largest canopies were noted for ‘Liubymets II’ (up to 18.6 m3) and ‘Knyazhegradskyi’ (up to 15.6 m3). Conclusions. According to the research results, it was determined that rootstock has greater influence on vigour of peach scion-rootstock combinations. Clonal rootstocks that provide a decrease in vigour (by 30 % and 44 % for trunk cross-sectional area) and canopy size (by 10‒36 % and 7‒36 % for canopy volume) of peach trees were selected – ‘Pumiselect’ and ‘Krymsk® 1’.
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