Keywords: agrochemical assessment of soils, humus, soil fertility, macro elements, soil fertility.


The article describes the analysis and generalization of the results of laboratory studies of the state of the soils of the Poltava region according to the content of macro elements and humus, an ecological and agrochemical assessment of the agricultural soils of the Poltava region according to the content of humus was carried out. The article describes the statistical generalization of agrochemical indicators: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, humus. The highest nitrogen rates are in the territory of Velikobagachanska, Dykanska, Myrgrodska, Shishatska, Karlivska territorial community (121.3‒128.3 mg/kg); the lowest indicators are found in the soils of Kozelshchanska, Gadyak, Chornukhin territorial community (90.3‒97.3 mg/kg), from which it follows that the soils are characterized by a low content (101‒150 mg/kg) and a very low content of easily hydrolysable nitrogen content (<100 mg/kg). High levels of phosphorus content (151−200 mg/kg) on the territory of Poltava, Pyryatynska, Khorolska, Mashivska, Shishatska, Semenivska territorial community. The soils of Lubenska, territorial community are characterized by an average content (51‒100 mg/kg). Elevated indicators of potassium content (81−120 mg/kg) in the territory of Velikobagachansk, Hrebinkivsk, Zinkivsk, Kotelevsk, Kremenchuksk, Lohvytsk, Lubensk, Myrhorodsk, Orzhytsk, Pyryatynsk, Chornukhinsk territorial community. All other soils of territorial community are characterized by a high content of potassium (121‒180 mg/kg). The soils of Velikobagachanska (4.4 %) and Karlivska (4.22 %) territorial community have a high content of humus; an average level (2.1−3.0 %) of humus content was noted in Pyryatynska (2.74 %), Chornukhinska (2.76 %), Lohvytska (2.97 %), Hadiatska (2.99 %), Kozelshchanska (3.03 %), Kremenchutskyi (2.72 %) and Kobeliatskyi (3.09 %) territorial community. Sixteen territorial communities’ oblasts have an increased content of humus in the soil, which is characterized in the range of 3.1‒4.0 %. The ecological and agrochemical evaluation of agricultural soils of the Poltava region by humus content was analyzed ‒ the lowest evaluation level is 54 points, which corresponds to the Kremenchug territorial communities, on the other hand, the highest evaluation indicator is 88 points and corresponds to the Velikobagachan territorial communities. The soils of the region have an increased supply of humus, a low supply of nitrogen and a high (increased) supply of phosphorus and potassium. Based on the comparison of the normative values of the soil parameters and the actual values of the indicators within the Poltava region, the state of suitability of the soil for the cultivation of the main agricultural crops and the increase of the area under organic production was determined.


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