Keywords: field pea, grain quality, foliar feeding, mineral fertilizers, micronutrients.


Objective. The aim of the research was to determine the impact of pre-sowing seed treatment and optimization of plant nutrition on the main quality indicators of field pea grain (Madonna variety) grown in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Materials and Methods. The Madonna variety of peas was grown on southern chernozem at the experimental fields of the Educational and Research Practical Center of Mykolaiv National Agrarian University. The study was a two-factor experiment: Factor A – seed treatment before sowing: water (control); Nanonit Micro preparation at 1 l/ton of seeds; Factor B – plant nutrition backgrounds: 1. Control; 2. N15P15K15; 3. Nanonit at 1 l/ha; 4. N15P15K15 + Nanonit at 1 l/ha; 5. Organic D-2M at 2 l/ha; 6. N15P15K15 + Organic D-2M at 2 l/ha; 7. Boron at 1 l/ha; 8. N15P15K15 + Boron at 1 l/ha. All technological elements, selection of plant sample bundles, determination and accounting of yield, and statistical processing of the obtained results were carried out according to methodological recommendations and DSTU standards. Results of the Research. According to our research findings, the protein content in the grain of the field pea variety Madonna varies under the influence of technological elements and climatic conditions of cultivation. The conducted experiments showed that pre-sowing seed treatment with Nanonit leads to an increase in protein content in pea grain compared to treatment with water. This trend was observed throughout the entire research period. The highest protein content (22.5%) was recorded on average from 2021 to 2023 when combining Nanonit seed treatment with N15P15K15 fertilization before sowing. In the case of seed treatment with water before sowing, the protein content was 22.2%, which is 0.3% lower. In the control group without optimization measures, the protein content in pea grain averaged 21.3%. During the pre-sowing seed treatment and implementation of effective plant nutrition optimization measures for field peas, the conditional protein yield per hectare increased. The higher the protein content in pea grain, the more valuable it is for human consumption and animal feed. The study demonstrated a very strong correlation between pea yield and conditional protein yield, indicating a high stability of these indicators over time: R² = 0.9906-0.9914. It is evident that obtaining a higher conditional protein yield per unit area is important. Conclusions. Thus, pre-sowing seed treatment with Nanonit, the introduction of N15P15K15, and the application of foliar fertilizers Nanonit, Organic D-2M, and boron, both separately and in combination, contribute to an increase in the weight of 1000 seeds, protein content in pea grain, and its conditional yield per unit area of sowing. This is extremely important for this crop. While the average protein content in pea grain in the control variant was 21.3% throughout the study, in optimal cases this value increased to 22.3-22.7%. Similarly, the conditional protein yield per hectare of sowing rose from 0.33 tons to 0.55 tons. 


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