Experience of using biological preparations for growing oil flax

Keywords: oilseed flax, harvested areas, yield, cost, biological products, organic products


Scientific research on the problem of increasing the effectiveness of the functioning of the domestic flax industry plays an important role in the development of this industry. Purpose. To analyze the objective state, development trends and causes of changes characteristic of modern domestic oil flax production, as well as scientific interest in microbiological preparations of nutritional and protective action in the cultivation of organic products. Methods. The task was solved by collecting, summarizing and analyzing literature sources and achievements in research on the effectiveness of the use of microbiological preparations for plant nutrition and protection systems for obtaining organic products, followed by an assessment of their prospects. Research results. The analysis of literature sources shows the current state of oilseed flax production, substantiates the conditions of its development and export of seeds, analyzes the effectiveness of the use of biological products in the system of plant nutrition and protection in the production of organic oilseed flax. The positive effect of biological preparations on seed germination, reduction of diseases, increase of yield and oil yield was established. The obtained results indicate the possibility of using biological preparations to protect flax from fusarium instead of standard chemical preparations, which are more harmful to the environment. The prospects for further expansion of oil flax cultivation areas under organic farming are determined. Conclusions. The advantages of organic farming are indeed significant, primarily because they are aimed at eliminating the danger to humans and providing them with ecological food. It is proposed to conduct additional studies in the crop rotation of organic farming to determine the effectiveness of the use of microbiological preparations of nutritional and protective action in the cultivation of oil flax in the southern Steppe of Ukraine.


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