Overcoming the shadow economy of the agrarian sphere in the context of the use of artificial intelligence

Keywords: shadow economy, agrarian sphere, artificial intelligence, innovations, corruption, automation


The study reveals the problem of the shadow economy of agrarian business in Ukraine, using the main trends and capabilities of artificial intelligence technology. The purpose of the study was to generalize the problem of the shadow economy of the agricultural sector of Ukraine and determine the potential of using artificial intelligence in the context of overcoming negative shadow aspects. The methods of comparative analysis, the abstract-logical method, the monographic method and the method of dialectical cognition were used in the research process. The results. They determined the importance of finding ways to solve the problem of the “shadow” economy of Ukraine, especially in the field of agriculture. We provided statistical data on the scale of the manifestation of the shadow economy in the European space, determined the highest and lowest indicators of this phenomenon by country. We analyzed and cited examples of the experience of foreign countries in the application of innovations to overcome the problem of the shadow economy of the agricultural sector. Separately, the negative consequences of the mass introduction of artificial intelligence were identified, which are manifested in the reduction of jobs, the emission of greenhouse gases, technical problems in access to technologies, the high cost of servicing innovations, and insufficient qualifications of specialists. The main violations of legislation and forms of manifestation of “shadow” indicators in the agrarian sector were separately highlighted. Accordingly, the following areas of using artificial intelligence to combat the shadow economy of data processes were formed: data analysis and anomaly detection, tax administration automation, fraud detection and prevention, digital identification and transaction tracking, forecasting and risk management, increasing transparency in the public sector, education and promotion awareness Further areas of research will detail each of the proposed areas of using artificial intelligence to combat the shadow economy of the economy in agrarian business, in the context of a certain type of violations.


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