Peculiarities of the operation of forest seed plantations of common oak (quercus robur, l) in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: phenological forms, clonal seed orchards, reproductive capacity, seed productivity, breeding seeds of high quality


Purpose. The purpose of the work is to analyze the effectiveness of the use of forest seed orchards in order to improve their condition and increase seed productivity. Methods. The research methodology included summarizingtheoretical material, scientific reports and publications, legislative, regulatory and industry acts, developedguidelines and recommendations. Results. Long-term studies of the peculiarities of the formation of reproductive organs in oak seed orchards (SO’s)indicate their low seed productivity. Our research over the past 15 years on the formation of acorns on the oak clonal seed orchard (CSO) created in 1977–1978 indicates the absence of a mass seed production. The average seed production score was about 1.0 according to Capper scale, and the maximum did not exceed 1.5. One of the reasons for low seed productivity is the representation of different phenological forms of pedunculate oak on the plote. Another possible reason is the significant thickening of SO, which leadsnot only to limiting the growth and development of crowns, but also negatively affects the supply of nutrients to trees. According to the results of the conducted research, it was established that the thinning on SO can contribute to the growth of the level of seed productivity three times. Lagging trees and individual rows can be cut down. At the same time, the representation of all clones or families should be preserved as much as possible in order to ensure a sufficient level of heterozygosity reduction of the obtained seeds. Conclusions. SO’s are the main source of breeding seeds of high quality. The seed productivity of SO’s depends on the biological and ecological characteristics of the tree species, the genotypes presented and their reproductive capacity, climate and soil conditions, the state of the SO’s and timely maintenance. It is possible to increase the seed productivity of oak SO’s by regular thinning due to the cutting down trees of low reproductive capacity and ensuring good lighting of the crowns.


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