Yield and quality of the best constant breeding lines of winter wheat of the preliminary variety trial of the unus selection

Keywords: winter wheat, yield, selection lines, competitive variety testing


Purpose. To determine the formation of yield and the manifestation of the main economically useful traits of constant selection lines of winter wheat in the preliminary variety test. Methods. Field and laboratory methods for studying the variability of economic and valuable characteristics of winter wheat, mathematical methods for the reliability of the obtained data. In the process of conducting research, general scientific and special methods were used: field, which was supplemented by laboratory, to establish the relationship between the object of research and measures of influence on it; mathematical and statistical – to determine thereliability of the obtained results. Results. Breeding lines, after creation, undergo severe selection from year to year until they reach a constant state, that is, hybrid combinations must completely complete the splitting state. Realization of the possibilities of creating new varieties of plants taking into account climate changes requires strengthening and expanding the adaptive potential in the selection of selection goals and methods, as well as ensuring the functional connection of the selection trial, seed and agrotechnical stages. Analysis of the adaptive properties of varieties and lines of soft wheat by yield using different methodological approaches leads to practically identical results regarding the selection of the best varieties. Conclusions. In the experiment, 5 promising breeding lines were selected, which exceeded the standard variety Orzhitsia nova by 0.01 to 0.84 t/ha. The rest of the SL was culled, and re-selection was carried out in them, and the material will be returned to the breeding nurseries. Selection lines N 59, N 50, N 109, N 125 had the highest yield in 2022, in which the yield ranged from 3.92 to 4.54 t/ha. It was established that the yield of the researched selection lines was formed in 2023, the range from 4.42 t/ha to 5.59 t/ha. Special attention for further testing in the competitive variety test is represented by selection lines, which during 2 years of research had a significant yield increase in relation to the standard. Over two years, the yield over the standard variety Orzhitsia novaranged from 0.14 to 1.12 t/ha. The selection lines N 60, N 65, whose protein content is 15.4–15.9%, deserve attention in terms of grain quality.


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