Bugs (Hemiptera) on winter wheat in Forest-Steppe Ukraine

Keywords: agrocenosis, wheat varieties, species composition, semi-hermaphrodites, dominants, Scutelleridae family


The purpose. Clarifying the species composition of Hemiptera of the agrocenosis of winter wheat in the conditions of the forest-steppe of Ukraine, determining the dominantspecies of phytophages. Analysis of the state of populations, periods of harmfulness, conditions of increase in numbers and preparation of a forecast for the development of harmful organisms in the following years. Research methods and materials. The research was conducted in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine during 2019–2023 on winterwheat crops that were planted in the Obukhivskyi (2023) and Bilotserkivskyi districts of the Kyiv region. Varieties of winter wheat were grown: Podolyanka, Horodnytsia, Sofia Kyivska, Bohdana, Ladyzhinka. The research was carried out according to the methods generally accepted in entomology: mowing with an entomological net, inspection of the accounting sites, collection from plants, theoretical (proposing a hypothesis and forming conclusions based on the results of research; statistical; mathematical. Theresults. In general, specialized bugs-pests of cereal crops (Austrian tortoiseshell (Eurygaster austriacus Schrck.), harmful tortoiseshell (Eurygaster integriceps Put.), Moorish tortoiseshell (Eurygaster maurus L.), nosed elm (Aelia rostrata Boh.) and sharp-headed elm (Aelia acuminata) L.) was found in 43.8% of the total. The rest of the hemioptera were found in small numbers, most of them are not specialized pests of grain crops and are of no economic importance. Their feeding mostly took place on segetal plants, which are always present in the agrocenoses of the wheat field. As for the population of wheat plants by varieties and phases of development, the advantages of any variety have not been found. Affects the generative organs (flowers, pistillate threads, forming grains) of all cereal crops. The orderof semi-hermoptera (Homoptera) in agrobiocenses of the wheat field is represented by 23 species. The dominant ones are the bread bug (Trigonotylus ruficornis Geoffr.), 22.3% of all discovered bugs belong to this species, 18.7% are the nosed elm (Aelia rostrata Boh.), 13% are the grass bug (Lygus rugilipennis Popp.), 0% and Moorish tortoise (Eurygaster maurus L.) – 12.8%. The rest of the bugs were not of economic importance, as they were found in small quantities. They fed on segetal plants. No difference was found in the settlement of bugs by varieties and phases of development of winter wheat plants. Conclusions. The dominant one is a broad polyphagous bug (Trigonotylus ruficornis Geoffr.). Among bread bugs (family Scutelleridae) in the phase of milk ripeness, wheat was damaged by older larvae of the Moorish beetle (Eurygaster maurus L.).According to the research results, no outbreaks of harmful species of bugs are expected in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine next year.


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