System of agrotechnical protection of pea agrocenoses from weeds

Keywords: peas, agrocenosis, technology, weeds, grain, productivity


Goal. To develop and scientifically substantiate ways of increasing the productivity of peas, which involve the optimization of agrotechnical measures to protect its crops from weeds. Methods. The research was conducted during 2022–2023 in the conditions of the experimental field of VNAU in the village of Agronomichne. In the process of carrying out the research, a combination of general scientific methods was used: hypothesis, observation, analysis; and special: laboratory and field. Experimental indicators were processed by methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. The number of weeds in the control plots of peas sown in the phase of the 2nd leaf was 35 weeds/m2. In the phase of 7 pea leaves, the number of weeds on the specified option increased by 1.8 timesand amounted to 64 pcs./m2. At the end of the vegetation period, due to the end of the vegetation period, their number decreased by 1.4 times and amounted to 47 pcs./m2. Carrying out early spring soil cultivation with a cultivator to a depth of 5–8 cm, rolling with ring-spur rollers after sowing peas, and then pre-emergence harrowing with light harrows of the pea agrocenosis on the 5th day after sowing helped to reduce the number of weeds in the phase of the 2nd leaf of peas in 1.9 times than in the version without pre-emergence harrowing and amounted to 18 pcs./m2. In the phase of 7 pea leaves, weediness increased by 1.6 times in the specified option and amounted to 28 weeds/m2. Early spring cultivation of the soil with a cultivator with flat-cutting working bodies to a depth of 5–8 cm, rolling with ringspur rollers after sowing peas ensures a seed yield of 1.43 t/ha. Conclusions. Agrotechnical measures of pre-sowing cultivation and seed rolling are generally accepted and mandatory when growing peas. Early spring cultivation of the soil with a cultivator with flat-cutting working organs to a depth of 5–8 cm, rolling with ring-spur rollers after sowing peas, as well as pre-emergence and post-emergence harrowing of pea sowing with light harrows ensures an increase in the yield of peas compared to the control by 72.0% to the level 2.46 t/ha.


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