The reaction of sunflower hybrids of the medium-late resistance group to different moisture conditions in the South of Ukraine

Keywords: sunflower, hybrid, productivity, drought resistance, drought resistance indices, adaptability, environmental sustainability


The purpose of the research was to study and analyze the ecological stability and adaptive capacity to moisture deficit of mid-late sunflower hybrids in the conditions of Southern Ukraine. Research materials and methods. The reaction of ten sunflower hybrids of the mid-late group to different moisture conditions was studied at Agroproekt Yug LLC of the Kherson region during 2020–2021. The analysis of the resistance of sunflower hybrids to moisture deficit was carried out using various mathematical indices of drought resistance, indicators of adaptability, ecological stability, biplot analysis and cluster analysis. Research results and their discussion. The obtained experimental data at a drought intensity of 0.455 made it possible to identify a sunflower hybrid that significantly exceeded the average hybrid Hysun 280 in terms of yield in stressfulconditions of 2.295 t/ha, and in conditions of sufficient moisture, Hysun 280 and Hysun 298 hybrids with a yield of 3.090‒3.404 t/ha. The Hysun 280 hybrid was singled out as the most drought-resistant, according to fifteen indices. According to the regression coefficient (bi), the hybrid of intensive type Hysun 298 ‒ 1.72, stable type Hysun 280 ‒ 0.64 was selected. Hybrids 5 elements NSH7256 and P64LE136 are well adapted to various growing conditions. According to the results of the GGE biplot analysis, sunflower hybrids Hysun 189 Su and Hysun 280 were classified as stable in relation to moisture, Hysun 195 IT and Hysun 298 ‒ as intensive type hybrids, and P64LE136, MAS 97 and 5 element NSH7256 ‒ as plastic. Conclusions. Indices and indicators of adaptability that most fully characterize the resistance of sunflower hybrids to drought are highlighted. According to the indices of drought resistance, indicators of adaptability to drought and biplot analysis, the hybrid Hysun 280 was selected as the most drought-resistant, the hybrids P64LE136 and 5 element NSH7256 were selected as plastic, and the hybrid Hysun 298 was selected as the most unstable to drought, or a hybrid of the intensive type.


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