Influence of substrate type on the development and productivity of tomato plants

Keywords: tomato hybrid, substrate, seedlings, growing method, film greenhouses, productivity


Purpose. The article presents the results of an experiment on growing the indeterminate hybrid tomato Mahitos F1 by the seedling method. The purpose of the study was to study the influence of different types of substrates onthe yield and quality of seedlings of an indeterminate hybrid tomato and to determine the most suitable of them, which provides the highest productivity. Methods. The research was conducted under the conditions of a field experiment with the indeterminate hybridtomato Mahitos F1 in film greenhouses in the conditions of the Left Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine during 2017–2021. The research program included: phenological observations of the timing of the vegetation phases of tomato plants, determination of quality indicators of seedling development, biometric indicators of plants and the volume of the harvest.Results. The results of a field experiment to determine the influence of the type of substrate used in growing seedlings on the overall yield of tomatoes are given. The resultsof the analysis of experimental data on growth processes and the development of tomato plants when planted in a permanent place in a film greenhouse are highlighted. A comparative assessment of the effectiveness of different types of substrates was carried out: a mixture of sod land + humus (65:35); universal nutrient substrate “Generous Earth”; mixture – sod land + “Jiffy” substrate + humus (1:1:1); peat substrate “DOMOFLOR-MIX”. The influence of the type of substrate used in growing seedlings on the overall yield is substantiated. It has been proven that over the years, the influence of the type of substrate used in growing seedlings can be traced in the same way. Over the years of research, the efficiency of using a mixture of sod land, “Jiffy” substrate and humus as a substrate for growing seedlings has been determined. During the entire study, plants under this variant of the experiment demonstrated the highest level of productivity. Findings. The maximum total yield of tomatoes during the research period, at the level of 15.7 kg/m2, was noted by the variant of the experiment with the use for growing seedlings of a mixture of sod land, white moss peat (“Jiffy” substrate) and humus in a ratio of 1:1: 1. Thus, the appropriate composition of the substrate can be recommended for growing seedlings in the production of tomatoes inclosed soil in the conditions of the Left Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine.


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