Onufriychuk O.M. Basic technological measures in sunflower cultivation

Keywords: sunflower, methods, factors, biologicalization, productivity


Goal. The goal is to analyze the main technological measures that would contribute to increasing the yield of sunflower seeds in Ukraine due to their intensification and biologization and agricultural culture in general. Methods. The research was carried out by studying literary sources on adaptive-intensive technologies of sunflower cultivation. The results. Plowing to a depth of 22–25 cm helps to create optimal conditions for the development and growth of sunflower plants. It is necessary to introduce the latest high-yielding, ecologically plastic, disease-resistant sunflower varieties and hybrids into production. The optimal stand density of sunflower plants varies depending on the zone of their cultivation. In the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, it is necessary to sow with a plant density of 60–65 thousand/ha. Sunflower is a culture of intensive mineral nutrition, which effectively absorbs compounds of mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium. For the formation of 2.0–2.5 t/ha of crop, sunflower takes 60–140 kg/ha of nitrogen, 30–65 kg/ha of phosphorus and more than 300 kg/ha of potassium from the soil. Improvement of sunflower growing technologies in modern conditions involves the use of not only macrofertilizers, but also microfertilizers, plantgrowth regulators, and biological preparations in the nutrition system. Conclusions. The analysis of literary sources shows that sunflower is a strategically important, highly profitable crop in Ukraine and abroad. In connection with climate changes and the expansion of the spectrum of sunflower hybrids of various directions, their use necessitates compliance with agrotechnical requirements. The majority of farms and agricultural formations ignore the agro-ecological component during its cultivation therefore, it is necessary to switch to intensively adapted zonal technologies of its cultivation with mandatory saturation of biologicalized, economically justified methods of sunflower cultivation.


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