Productivity and quality of different varieties of roses depending on the moisture of the substrate for small-volume growing

  • M.M. Kovalov
Keywords: rose, substrate moisture, small-volume hydroponic cultivation, productivity, flower quality, water stress


The article examines the effect of substrate humidity on the productivity and quality of different varieties of roses in small-scale hydroponic cultivation. Hydroponic systems are increasingly used in floriculture due to their advantages, such as the efficient use of water and nutrient resources, as well as the ability to precisely control growing conditions. However, despite the growing popularity of hydroponic systems, there is a need for a more in-depth study of the optimal conditions for different varieties of roses, in particular the humidity level of the substrate. The objective. The aim of the work was to determine the optimal levels of substrate humidity to increase the productivity and quality of different varieties of roses with a small-volume hydroponic growing method. This includes assessing the effect of humidity on the growth and development of rose plants. Methods. The study was conducted on several varieties of roses grown in small-volume hydroponic systems. Different levels of substrate humidity were maintained using automatic watering systems using humidity sensors. Productivity and quality of roses were evaluated according to such indicators as the number of flowers, their size, color, duration of flowering and the general condition of the plants. Physiological parameters, including photosynthetic activity, were measured using appropriate equipment. Results. The results of the study showed that the optimal level of humidity of the substrate significantly improves the productivity and quality of roses. In particular, varieties with less resistance to drought show better results at higher humidity of the substrate. Insufficient humidity has been found to result in stunted growth and fewer flowers, while excessive humidity can cause root rot. Optimum humidity levels also promote increased photosynthetic activity and overall plant health, which reduces the risk of water stress-related diseases. Findings. Optimizing substrate humidity is a key factor for increasing the productivity and quality of various varieties of roses in small-scale hydroponic cultivation. This allows for uniform growth and development of plants, improvement of flower quality, efficient use of water resources and sustainable development of floriculture. It is recommended to conduct preliminary research and testing to determine the optimal moisture level for each variety of roses, as well as use modern technologies for monitoring and automatic regulation of substrate moisture.


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