Total water consumption of peas depending on pre-sowing seed treatment and optimization of nutrition in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: pea crops, total water consumption, water consumption balance, water consumption coefficient, foliar feeding, mineral fertilizers, micronutrients


The aim of the research was to determine the influence of pre-sowing seed treatment and plant nutrition optimization on total water consumption and water use efficiency for pea crop cultivation in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Materials andmethods. The Madonna pea variety was grown on chernozem soil in the southern part of experimental fields of the Educational and Scientific Practical Center of Mykolaiv National Agrarian University. The research was two-factor: Factor A – seed treatment before sowing: water (control); Nanovitmicro preparation 1 l/t of grain, Factor B – plant nutrition backgrounds: 1. Control; 2. N15P15K15; 3. Nanovit1 l/ha; 4. N15P15K15 + Nanovit 1 l/ha; 5. Organic D-2M 2l/ha; 6. N15P15K15 + Organic D-2M 2 l/ha; 7. Boron 1 l/ha; 8. N15P15K15 + Boron 1 l/ha. All elements of the technology,selection of plant samples, yield determination, accounting, and statistical processing of the obtained results were carried out in accordance with methodological recommendations and national standards. Research Results: The studies showed that the total water consumption of peas varied significantly depending on the moisture conditions during the years of the study. The maximum value, 2672 m3/ha, was recorded in the wettest year of 2021, while the minimum, 1416 m3/ha, was observed in 2022, which was the driest. This significant difference can be explained by the amount of precipitation during the growing season. In 2021, the precipitation amounted to 1714 m3/ha, constituting 64.1% of the water balance, whereas in 2022, this figure was 683 m3/ha or 48.2%. Pea plants in the years 2021–2023 utilized soil moisture and precipitation almost equally – 48.2% and 51.8%, respectively. This water consumption pattern distinctly sets apart the dry year of 2022 from the other two growing years, where the share of precipitation in water consumption balance ranged from 61.9% to 64.9%, and soil moisture from 35.9% to 38.1%. The dry conditions of 2022 had a negative impact on the achieved grain yield of peas, which was significantly lower compared to other more favorable growing years. A correlation-regression relationship was established between grain yield and total water consumption of pea crops, indicating a strong functional connection between these indicators. The water consumption coefficient depended on the conditions of the study years, seed inoculation, and plant nutrition background. The most efficient use of water for forming 1 ton of grain yield with the corresponding biomass was observed in the least favorable in terms of moisture, 2022. Maximum values were determined in 2021, where water consumption, depending on the created nutrition backgrounds, was significantly higher. Mineral fertilizers and pre-sowing seed treatment with Nanovitmicro had a significant impact on the water consumption coefficient. The studied factors contributed to a much more efficient utilization of water by pea crops for forming unit yield. Conclusions. Moisture conditions during the growing season significantly affect the total water consumption, its components, and the water consumption coefficient of pea crops. It has been established fertilizers, pre-sowing seed treatment with Nanovitmicro micronutrient, and foliar feeding with Nanovit micronutrient, boron, and organic-mineral fertilizer Organic D-2M led to asignificant reduction in water usage compared to the control. A strong correlation-regression relationship has been determined between grain yield, overall water usage, and the water consumption coefficient that the application of moderate doses of mineral.


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