Humanitarian demining of Ukraine

Keywords: humanitarian demining, cleared territory, involvement of pyrotechnic units, disposal of explosive objects, contributions to mine action


The purpose of the study was to highlight the results of humanitarian demining on the territory of Ukraine. Methods. The information base of the research was normative and legal acts, as well as materials of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. The results. At the moment, Ukraine has 45,000 km2 available for humanitarian demining. During the period from 2014 to 2023, pyrotechnic units were involved in cleaning up the territory of Ukraine 169,147 times, 1,262,134 units of explosive devices were neutralized, and an area of 308,171 hectares was cleared. Starting from February 24, 2022, the Interregional Center for Humanitarian Demining and Rapid Response of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine accepted 17,365 applications (2023 – 10,306, 2024 – 1,282), 2,053.5 hectares of territory were surveyed (2023 – 677.31, 2024 – 626.78), 26,357 explosive objects were neutralized (2023 – 8,260, 2024 – 1,778), 17,227 deployments of pyrotechnic units of the Center were made (2023 – 4,737, 2024 – 1,197). For the period of 2018–2022, international contributions to mine action in Ukraine amounted to 232 million dollars (162.3 million dollars were provided in 2022). Of the total contribution to Ukraine in 2022, $36 million (22%) went to demining, $28 million (17%) to capacity building, $1.9 million (1%) to special risk education and assistance to victims. The largest part – 96.4 million dollars (60%) – was directed to mine countermeasures. Conclusions. Humanitarian demining involves a set of measures aimed at eliminating the dangers associated with explosive objects, including non-technical and technical surveys of territories, mapping, detection, disposal and (or) destruction of explosive objects, marking, preparation of documentation after demining, providing communities with information on mine protection activities and transfer of cleared territory. The ongoing conflict of high intensity determines the significant danger and uniqueness of demining the territory of Ukraine. The practice of systematic and thorough humanitarian demining is a necessary prerequisite for the sustainable management of the surrounding natural environment in the future in post-conflict territories, because it will prevent and minimize the degradation of soils, land resources, biodiversity, pollution of these components, emissions of pollutants that can even contribute to climate change, and also contribute to preservation of natural resources. However, the cleaning of the territory and its release is not yet sufficient for its safe further use, because hostilities continue, so it will be necessary to carry out comprehensive thorough ecological studies on environmental and soil pollution, in particular, as the basis of food security. Training on mine danger (implemented at the Faculty of Mining, Environmental Management and Construction at Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University), which is the main component of humanitarian demining, will have a lasting impact on the knowledge and consciousness of the population, which will make a positive contribution to the sustainable management of the surrounding natural environment.


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