Transgressive variability in F2, F3 populations of winter bread wheat for productivity traits in the conditions of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., parent components, year conditions, degree and frequency of transgressions, grain number per spike, 1000 kernel weigh


Purpose is to establish the degree and frequency of transgressions for valuable economic traits in populations of hybrids of the second and third generations of winter bread wheat and to select transgressive forms for plant productivity. Methods. The research was carried out during 2019/20–2021/22 on the experimental fields of breeding crop rotation at the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. Meteorological conditions differed from average long-term indicators in terms of temperature, amount and distribution of atmospheric precipitation by month. The material for the research were varieties, promising breeding lines of winter bread wheat bread at Myronivka and hybrid F2 and F3 populations created with their participation. Results. In the second generation, an advantage over the best parental form was established in terms of productivity in three hybrid populations. The maximum degree of positive transgression was according to the trait “grain weight per spike” and “1000 kernel weight” with limits of 2.07÷58.26% and 3.20÷54.96%, respectively. The highest frequency of domination the best parental component in the populations of F2 hybrids was determined for “1000 kernel weight”, that is 13.33÷96.67%. The part of transgressive forms for most productivity traits decreased in hybrids of the third generation. The exception was the 1000 kernel weight”, the combinations were noted in which the percentage of forms that exceeded the parents remained at the F2 level/exceeded or decreased insignificantly. Promising populations of F2 hybrids of winter bread wheat were identified, which in most cases had a significant number of transgressive plants and high enough level of expression of the traits. In F3, a tendency to decrease indicators of elements of spike productivity, degree and frequency of transgressions as compared to F2 was revealed. The breeding value was in hybrids with intermediate position or at the level of the best parental form, especially in combinations with a significant difference in trait expression between the parents. Conclusions. A high level of frequency and degree of positive transgressions was established in hybrid populations of winter bread wheat of the second and third generation, which was determined by the combination of crossing components, the degree of dominance, and also depended on quantitative traits of productivity and year conditions. It has been proven that a wide form-building process takes place in the created source material, which will contribute to increasing the efficiency of the selection of highly productive genotypes in the conditions of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine. Therefore, on the basis of the established features of the frequency of occurrence of positive transgressions in winter bread wheat hybrids populations were selected, which are valuable basic material to select transgressive forms in later generations.


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