Influence of invariable crops of hemp on agrochemical indicators of an arable layer of soil

  • V.M. Kabanets Institute of Agriculture of the Northeast
  • S.I. Berdin Sumy National Agrarian University
Keywords: cultivation technology, mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers, humus content, total nitrogen, mobile phosphorus, metabolic potassium


Purpose. To investigate the dynamics of the main agrochemical parameters of the arable soil layer in the cultivation of hemp in invariable crops with different fertilization schemes. Methods. Field, Laboratory, calculation-comparative and statistical. Results. Information on the dynamics of the soil-agrochemical state of soils in invariable crops of hemp is obtained. It was found that growing hemp in a monoculture without the use of fertilizers leads to a significant decrease in the content of humus and basic nutrients in the arable layer during the research period. As a result of the comparative analysis, variants with doses of fertilizers were identified, which allow to grow hemp without deterioration of humus, total nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and metabolic potassium. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that hemp can be grown in invariable crops without reducing the main agrochemical indicators of the soil, but with the mandatory application of mineral or organic fertilizers at a level sufficient to compensate for the elements of nutrition taken out with the products. Growing hemp in invariable crops without fertilization leads to a significant decrease of the main agrochemical indicators of the arable soil layer. When using mineral fertilizers at a dose of N200P100K240, the agrochemical indicators for the duration of the experiment were at the same level as the indicators that were determined before starting the experiment. The same pattern is observed when applying manure at a dose of 20 t/ha. Application of manure at a dose of 40 t/ha and more formed a positive balance of all major agrochemical parameters of the studied soil.


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