Features of formation of the root system and root biomass of oil radish depending on agrotechnological parameters of its cenosis design

Keywords: root architecture and morphometry, bioproductivity, agrocenosis, root biomass


The aim of the research was to determine the peculiarities of formation of the architectonics of the root system of oil radish and the level of bioproductivity of this process depending on the agrotechnological options for the design of its agrophytocenosis. Methods. The study was conducted during 2018–2023 on the basis of the experimental field of Vinnytsia NAU on grey forest soils with medium fertility potential. The experiment was replicated four times. The arrangement of variants was systematic in two tiers. The experiment involved the study of the following factors: A – annual conditions of the growing season, B – seeding rate, C – sowing method, D – fertilisation. Results. The possibility of agrotechnological correction of the morphological development of the root system of oil radish in the arable horizon (0–30 cm) with a complex combination of seeding rate, sowing method and fertilisation at the stage of pre-sowing construction of oil radish agrophytocenosis was established. Consistent and sustainable growth of individual morphological and weight development of the root system of plants with an increase in the feeding area and optimisation of mineral nutrition by fertilisation in the range of 30 to 90 kg/ha of active substance was proved. The optimal variants of designing the agrocenosis of oil radish to achieve the maximum level of formed root biomass were established - respectively, at 2,0 million germinating seeds/ha under conventional row sowing on the background of N90P90K90 and in the variant with a sowing rate of 1,5 million germinating seeds/ha under wide-row sowing on the same background of mineral nutrition. Conclusions. Technologically optimal morphological and weight parameters of the root system of oil radish, which allow to form the maximum root biomass valuable from the point of view of green manure and bioorganic use of oil radish, are formed in two technological variants of designing its agrocenoses on grey forest soils under conditions of unstable moisture: in the variants of conventional row sowing with a seeding rate of 2,0 million germinating seeds/ha on the background of N90P90K90 – 10,70 t/ha and in the variants of wide-row sowing with a seeding rate of 1,5 million germinating seeds/ha on the background of N90P90K90 – 10,82 t/ha.


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