Productivity of sunflower hybrids on sod-podzolic soils of Western Polissia on the example of Pioneer selection

Keywords: sunflower, grain quality indicators, oiliness, linoleic hybrid, high-oleic hybrid, crop yield


Purpose. The specifics of the soil and climatic conditions of the zone (short growing season, impoverished soils, waterlogging in the spring period and aridity in the summer, protracted rains during the harvesting period) require approbation of the behavior of the genetic material precisely in the territory of the planned cultivation, since it is necessary to predict the reaction of typical hybrids developed for cultivation in steppe zone, it is extremely difficult to change the growing conditions. Methods. Throughout 2022, a number of production trials were laid on the territory of the Kostopil district of the Rivne region (the Western Polissia zone of Ukraine) on sod-podzolic sandy soils, where a total of more than 50 hybrids from different breeding companies were presented. For a more objective assessment, the given study analyzed the performance of hybrids within the limits of one company – Pioneer. Results. Observation during the growing season of crops showed that hybrids of the older generation differed from hybrids of the new generation by greater plant height. P64LE25 and P64HE118 hybrids were characterized by the highest grain quality – 390 and 391 g/l. It is worth noting the fact that certain hybrids with a higher grain nature index had a lower 1000-grain mass index, which indicates incomplete realization of their potential. The oil content of the seed samples ranged from 45.6 to 55.5% and averaged 51%, which is a good indicator. The highest oil content was noted on the LL155 hybrid – 55.5%. The hybrids F66 (3.86 t/ha), LL138 (3.54 t/ha), LE137 (3.96 t/ha), LE25 (3.46 t/ha), HH150 (3.64 t/ha), HE118 (3.68 t/ha) are characterized by statistically higher yields. Thus, in the segment of simple linoleic hybrids, hybrids F66 and LL138 look most promising, in the group of linoleic hybrids resistant to tribenuron-methyl – LE137 and LE25, in the segment of simple high-oleic hybrids – HH150, in the segment of high-oleic hybrids resistant to tribenuron-methyl – HE118. The F66 and LE137 hybrids are also characterized by the highest oil collection. Conclusions. The results of the conducted research indicate that the behavior of individual hybrids in the specific soil and climatic conditions of Western Polissia differs from their typical development and indicators declared by the originator and formed on the basis of testing hybrids in more favorable growing conditions.


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