Spread of diseases in sunflower crops depending on fertilizer

Keywords: White rot, gray rot, fomosis, alternaria, fertilizers


Recently, foliar fertilizers, which are used in parallel with traditional mineral fertilizers or independently, have become widely used. Their influence on the spread of diseases in sunflower crops has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, the study of the features of the development of sunflower diseases when using different fertilizers is an urgent problem. Goal. To study the influence of different sunflower fertilization systems on the spread of diseases in its crops. Methods. Phytopathological records were carried out by a visual method on each variant of the experiment, directly inspecting 20 equidistant from each other sunflower plants. Damage and degree of spread of diseases on stems, leaves and baskets of plants were determined in percentage. The intensity of development and spread of diseases was determined. The results. The greatest damage to sunflower crops by white rot was detected on the control variant without fertilizer application – 50% of the plants. The lowest percentage of damage to sunflower plants by white rot was observed when applying Bionorm phosphorus and P30 + Bionorm phosphorus – 10% of plants each. Affection of sunflower plants by fomosis ranged from 10 to 35%. The highest percentage of damage was observed with sunflower mineral fertilizer N60 – 35% of plants, P60, N60P60K60, Bionorma nitrogen and control – 30% of plants each. In general, there was no damage to sunflower plants by fomosis due to the application of biopreparation Bionorma phosphorus. Alternaria infection of sunflower plants was 10–35%. The most affected plants were those on the N60 mineral fertilizer option – 35% of the plants. On the control variant without fertilizers, 30% of sunflower plants were affected. And the least damage to sunflowers by Alternaria was observed when Bionorm phosphorus was applied – 10% of plants. Infestation of sunflower plants by gray rot was 10–40%. The highest percentage of damage was observed when nitrogen mineral fertilizer N60 was applied. In general, sunflower plants were not affected by gray rot on the application options of Bionorm phosphorus and P30 + Bionorm phosphorus. Conclusions. Fertilization of sunflower crops with biopreparation Bionorma phosphorus allows to significantly reduce the spread of diseases in its crops. Bionorma phosphorus has a powerful prophylactic fungicidal effect. The greatest disease damage to sunflower is observed in the absence of fertilizers and when mineral nitrogen N30 is applied.


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