Phytosanitary condition and productivity of sunflower hybrids at different levels of biologization of cultivation technology

  • A.G. Zhuykov Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • A.A. Burdyug Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: sunflower, biologization of production, organic technology, accounting of pests, diseases and weeds, yield of conditioned seeds, huskiness, crude fat content


The purpose of the article is to establish criteria for phytosanitary pressure, analyze the yield of conditioned crop seeds and their oil content depending on the degree of biologization of the growing technology. The research method is a two-factor field experiment, where factor A was represented by two variants of zoned hybrids of a medium-Mature ecological group: Tunca F1 and RR64F66 F1, and factor B (cultivation technology): traditional intensive zonal (control), biologized I and biologized II, organic and extensive. The experiment was accompanied by a study of weed infestation by quantitative and weight method with differentiation by groups and types of weeds, population and infestation of crops with phytophages and pathogens, huskiness and oil content of seeds according to generally accepted methods. Biologized and organic growing technologies allow you to control the entire range of the most harmful phytophages and are as effective as synthetic insecticides. The fungicidal protection of sunflower based on organic preparations is as effective and efficient as the protection system based on synthetic fungicides: the infestation of hybrids with the most common phytopathogens did not differ depending on the type of preparation. The inclusion of pre-and post-emergence harrowing with striges harrows and rotary hoes and inter-row cultivations in the system of crop protection from weeds as a component of biologized and organic sunflower cultivation technology is not inferior in efficiency to the use of soil and insurance synthetic herbicides, and in the second half of the growing season prevails over them in the control of the second-third wave of late spring species. The maximum values of the seed yield of hybrids that were studied were obtained in the variants of organic and biologized II cultivation technologies and amounted to 2,16–2,20 t / ha; with traditional (intensive) and biologized I, it was 1,87–1,88 t / ha. Growing crops using extensive technology (without the use of any fertilizers and plant protection products) is recognized by us as not effective – on average, over the years of research, the seed yield did not exceed 0,70–0,73 t/ha with epiphytotic development of diseases, a high level of phytophage infestation and agrocenosis contamination.


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