Study of the elements of soybean cultivation technology based on mobilization agro-approaches under natural soilimmobilization processes

Keywords: soybean, soil conservation, biological preparations, productivity, nodule bacteria


The scientific research is devoted to topical issues regarding the territorial transformation of the «soybean belt» in Ukraine and the world in the conditions of climate change on the basis of soil conservation under climate neutrality. The prerequisites for the establishment of a new stage in the production of soybean seed products, which will contribute to the rational use of hydrothermal resources of the region, increase in production volumes, biologicalization of agriculture, and obtaining high-quality and organic products, are detailed. It was found that the organic production of soybean seeds is one of the strategic directions of the accelerated development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine and the main goal of the European Green Course, which regulates the transformation of Europe into a climate-neutral continent. The study was conducted, which is devoted to the issue of Ukraine's achievement of the goals of sustainable development: Goal 2. Overcoming hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition and promoting the sustainable development of agriculture, which are aimed at solving the urgent tasks of technological renewal and development of the agro-industrial complex on the basis of the development of bio-organic models of varietal technology cultivation of leguminous crops with orientation to the level of adequate productivity of arable land and climatic changes. Along with this, it is highlighted that in the countries of sustainable agriculture, in particular the USA and the EU, considerable attention is paid to greening and reducing the negative impact of intensive soybean cultivation technologies on the environment. This is achieved, first of all, by reducing the use of pesticides and mineral fertilizers, finding ways to expand biological measures, inoculation, reducing the intensity of soil cultivation in accordance with the transition to eco-friendly technologies No-Till, Strip-Till and Mini-Till.


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