The effect of drip irrigation on the assumption of nutrient elements in the cultivation of Fragaria ananassa

Keywords: Fragaria ananassa, water-soluble mineral fertilizer, open soil, fertigation, injection drip irrigation


The article examines the influence of drip irrigation on nutrient absorption during the cultivation of garden strawberries (Fragaria ananassa). The study was carried out on test plots where controlled application of water-soluble mineral fertilizers was used. The rates of assimilation of the main macro- and microelements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and others) were analyzed on different fertilization backgrounds. It was determined how the concentrations of these elements in the soil change during drip irrigation. The objective. The purpose of the work was to identify the characteristics of the development, productivity and nutrition of garden strawberries with drip irrigation, mineral fertilizers and fertigation on ordinary chernozem of heavy loam granulometric composition in the conditions of the Kirovohrad region. Methods. Experiments were carried out in open soil conditions in fruit and vegetable crop rotation. Results. The results of the study showed that injection drip irrigation systems provide a more uniform and effective assimilation of nutrients compared to traditional irrigation methods. It was also established that drip irrigation contributes to the reduction of water and fertilizer consumption, which is an important aspect in the conditions of the growing scarcity of water resources. The obtained results allow recommending drip irrigation as an effective method of optimizing the water regime and increasing the efficiency of fertilizer use when growing Fragaria ananassa. Findings. When planting fruit-bearing plantations of garden strawberries on ordinary chernozem of heavy loam granulometric composition, it is recommended to apply organic fertilizers at the rate of 100 t/ha a year before planting. Before planting, add phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to the stock: phosphorus 30–70 kg of active substance/ha, potassium 70–120 kg of active substance/ ha (based on the results of agrochemical soil survey and the planned harvest). Fertigation during the growing season is recommended to be carried out with a solution of mineral fertilizers with a total concentration of no more than 3 g/l with a frequency of application 2–3 times a week. In case of a sufficient amount of precipitation, watering is not recommended. Under adverse weather conditions, it is recommended to use stimulators of the plant defense mechanism (organo-mineral fertilizer Viva or analogues) in the doses recommended for this preparation.


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