Influence of different commercial hybrid rootstocks on biometric indicators and fruit yield and quality of hybrid Merlis tomato in winter greenhouses

Keywords: grafting, hybrid, tomato, scion, winter greenhouses, hydroponics, productivity, marketability


The article examines the influence of the grafting method of the Merlis tomato hybrid on commercial rootstocks Maxiford, Emperador, Kaiser, and the Merlis tomato hybrid without grafting was used as a control. The influence on the growth, development and yield of tomato plants grafted on rootstocks in the conditions of winter greenhouses was studied. Inspection and selection of promising rootstocks for the Merlis tomato hybrid were performed. The research determined the productivity of grafting combinations, described biological features, recorded phenological observations, determined biometric indicators, obtained the dynamics of the formation of yield and marketability of the fruits of grafting combinations, as well as their adaptation to growing conditions in winter greenhouses, on an extended culture with fruiting for nine months. Experimental studies were conducted over three years (2021–2023). The research was conducted at the modern enterprise of Dniprovskyi TC LLC, which is located in the Dnipro district, Dnipropetrovsk region. The aim of the study was to evaluate and select grafting combinations for the Merlis tomato hybrid, to obtain a yield increase of at least 5–10%, to improve the biometric indicators of the balance of the plant between the vegetative and generative types of development, and to obtain an increase in yield in months when it was not previously received due to resistance to heat and preservation of tassels with fruits. The obtained results provide valuable information for agricultural enterprises and farmers regarding the selection of the most productive and adapted tomato grafting combinations for growing in winter greenhouses, contributing to an increase in yield and economic efficiency. Research has established that the yield on combinations of inoculation is higher than on control without inoculation. By performing such an agronomic technique as grafting tomato plants onto rootstocks, we obtained an increase in yield at the level of 6.4 to 8.8%, or from 3.1 to 4.3 kg/m2, compared to non-grafted plants. Combinations of grafting easily control the vegetative and generative directions of growth, which in turn makes it possible to keep plants in balance between vegetative and generative types of plant development. Combinations of plants with grafting were in balance throughout the vegetation period; due to this, they better tolerated the summer heat; therefore, in the summer months, combinations of grafting kept more tassels with fruits on the plant by 0.8–1.0 tassels compared to nongrafted plants.


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