Dynamics of production chickpeas in Ukraine and world

Keywords: sowing area, yield, adaptive varieties, legumes, food, market conditions, exports, imports, physical and chemical state of the soil


The article highlights the importance of chickpeas as one of the main future leguminous crops for ensuring the life of society with food products. On the basis of the analysis of statistical data on yield on sown areas of chickpeas in Ukraine and the world, the countries that occupy the leading positions in the cultivation of this culture are allocated and the place of Ukraine in this list is determined. Data for the period from 2019–2024 were processed and summarized, structured and presented in the form of graphs and tables. It is argued and proved that chickpeas in Ukraine are a strategic agricultural crop that affects the stabilization of agriculture, increasing fertility for nitrogen reserves, eliminates the deficit of protein products, determines the market conditions and helps to solve food needs and problems. According to literary sources of foreign and domestic young scientists, when analyzing their works, the leading countries were identified among those who are engaged in the cultivation, export and import of chickpeas to the world market. The most promising countries have been identified and ways and solutions have been developed that can be used to increase the area and yield of chickpeas in the context of climate change and revise existing crop rotations. The increase in the gross harvest of chickpeas occurs not only due to the expansion and increase in the sowing area relative to the total sown areas of all crops, but also due to an increase in its yield. In order to increase the yield of cultivation of this crop, it is proposed to introduce a complex of innovative, advanced ideas and solutions at different stages of production, as well as to use new varieties when sowing. In modern publications, the authors emphasize and pay attention that 30–35% of the future harvest depends on properly selected varieties of chickpeas. The relevance of comparisons and studies is justified by the tasks of applied research on the basis of research sites of the Vinnitsa National Agrarian University when writing a scientific work on the topic ("Optimization of the elements of chickpea cultivation technology in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe"). Introduction into production practice of highly productive varieties of chickpeas will reduce the deficiency of vegetable protein, as well as improve the physical, chemical and phytosanitary condition of the soil.


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