Varietal reaction of grain sorghum plants variety Vinets’ to the nutrition area in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine
Purpose. To investigate and substantiate the optimalnutrition area for plants of grain sorghum variety Vinets’in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine takinginto account hydrothermal factors. Methods. Theresearch was carried out by the method of field experimentsat the Erastivka Experimental Station of the SIInstitute of Grain Crops of NAAS during 2011–2014.The experiment is based on the scheme: sowing methodswith a row spacing of 45 and 70 cm, plant densitywas formed in the range from 80 to 180 thous./ha witha gradation every 20 thousand. Field studies were performedin accordance with zonal recommendationsand generally accepted methods for sorghum cultivation.Results. By the studies, conducted to obtain higher grainproductivity of grain sorghum variety Vinets, by optimizingthe feeding area and plant density, the parametersof optimal placement of plants under contrasting weatherconditions in the years of research. Conclusions. It isestablished that the optimal density of standing grain sorghumplants of variety Vinets, regardless of the weatherconditions of the growing zone, with a row spacingof 45 and 70 cm is 160 thous. pcs./ha. Observations of the growth and development of grain sorghum plantsshowed that sowing methods and plant density did notaffect the time of onset and duration of the main phenologicalphases of crop development. It was foundthat sorghum crops with a row spacing of 45 cm consumedmore water by 56–119 m3/ha compared to a rowspacing of 70 cm. Higher grain yield when sowing withrow spacing of 45 cm (3,70 t/ha) was formed at sowingdensities of 160 thous. pcs./ha and 70 cm (3,83 t/ha)in crops with a plant density of 160 thous./ha. Thus,grain sorghum plants variety Vinets’ showed a high plasticity,the advantage of row spacing of 70 cm over 45 cmwas only 0,13 t/ha in the variant with an optimal densityof 160 thous. pcs./ha.
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