The influence of macro- and microfertilizers on the formation of oil flax yield in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: oil flax, yield, seed treatment, foliar feeding, mineral fertilizers, microfertilizers, macro- and microelements


Purpose. To determine the impact of pre-sowing seed treatment and plant nutrition background on the yield formation of a medium-ripening variety of oil flax Reliable for cultivation on chernozem soil in the conditions of the Dry Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, analytical, statistical. The research was conducted in 2021–2023 at the experimental field of the Educational-Scientific-Practical Center of Mykolaiv National Agrarian University. The study is two-factor. Factor A – pre-sowing seed treatment: 1. Water treatment; 2. Bast Complex (0.5 l/ton). Factor B – nutrition background: 1. Without fertilizers; 2. N15P15K15; 3. Bast Complex (1.5 l/ha); 4. N15P15K15 + Bast Complex (1.5 l/ha); 5. Organic D-2M (2 l/ha); 6. N15P15K15 + Organic D-2M (2 l/ha); 7. Boron (1 l/ha); 8. N15P15K15 + Boron (1 l/ha). Foliar feeding was carried out at the «fir tree» stage. Results. Pre-sowing seed treatment with micronutrients, optimization of the nutrition background, and both factors in interaction contributed to an increase in the yield of oil flax seeds. The highest efficiency of seed treatment with the micronutrient Bast Complex was found in the variants N15P15K15 + Organic D-2M and N15P15K15 + Bast Complex – the yield increase due to seed treatment was 0.13–0.14 t/ha. Optimization of the nutrition background contributed to an increase in seed yield on average by 0.17–0.47 t/ha per factor. The highest level of yield was provided by the main application of N15P15K15 with foliar feeding of Boron, Organic D-2M, or Bast Complex. The share of factors’ influence on seed yield was determined: nutrition background – 66%, pre-sowing seed treatment – 22%, interaction of factors – 9%. The maximum yield in the study was obtained in the variants N15P15K15 + Boron, N15P15K15 + Organic D-2M, and N15P15K15 + Bast Complex with pre-sowing seed treatment with the micronutrient Bast Complex – 1.54–1.61 t/ha, while in the absolute control (seed treatment with water, without fertilization) the yield was 1.03 t/ha. Conclusions. It has been established that pre-sowing seed treatment (Bast Complex, 0.5 l/ton) and foliar feeding with micronutrients (Boron, 1 l/ha; Organic D-2M, 2 l/ha or Bast Complex, 1.5 l/ha) at the “fir tree” stage on the background of the main application of mineral fertilizers at the rate of N15P15K15 contributes to an increase in the yield of oil flax seeds by 0.51–0.58 t/ha or 49.5–56.3%.


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