Grain yield of peas depending on pre-sowing seed treatment and optimization of nutrition in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: peas, grain yield, seed treatment, bio-preparations, micronutrients, foliar feeding, resource-saving


Purpose. To determine, based on the results of research from 2021-2023, the response of field pea plants to optimized nutrition on resource-saving principles and its influence on grain yield formation. The improvement of the nutrition system was based on pre-sowing application of a complex mineral fertilizer N15P15K15, seed treatment before sowing, and foliar feeding of plants with modern bio-preparations and micronutrients at the beginning of budding. Methods. The variety of field peas “Madonna” was grown on chernozem soil in the southern part on the experimental fields of the Educational-Scientific-Practical Center of Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, which has a medium availability of nitrogen and increased mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium. Peas were sown after winter wheat. The research was two-factor: factor A – seed treatment before sowing: water (control); Nanovitmicro preparation 1 l/t of grain, factor B – nutrition background: 1. Control; 2. N15P15K15; 3. Nanovit 1 l/ha; 4. N15P15K15 + Nanovit 1 l/ha; 5. Organic D-2M 2 l/ha; 6. N15P15K15 + Organic D-2M 2 l/ha; 7. Boron 1 l/ha; 8. N15P15K15 + Boron 1 l/ha. Foliar feeding was carried out at the beginning of the budding phase of plants. All elements of technology, sampling of plant bundles, yield determination, accounting, statistical processing of the obtained results were carried out according to methodological recommendations and DSTU. Research results. According to the three-year research on the field pea crop of the Madonna variety with improved plant nutrition optimization on resource-saving principles, it was found that pre-sowing seed treatment with a preparation, post-sowing application of a complex mineral fertilizer N15P15K15, and foliar feeding with modern bio-preparations and micronutrients had a positive effect on grain yield levels. It was determined that only pre-sowing seed treatment results in a 7.5% increase in grain yield in the control group and up to 10.5% depending on the fertilization variant. When combining the application of the complex mineral fertilizer N15P15K15, seed treatment before sowing, and foliar feeding, the yield increases by 31.6-43.3%. This confirms the feasibility of implementing resource-saving plant nutrition optimization using Nanovit (1 l/ha), Organic D-2M (2 l/ha), and boron (1 l/ha) for pea crop treatment at the beginning of budding phase. The costs of implementing these measures as part of the technology elements are insignificant, while the yield increases are substantial. Additionally, it is well known that the higher the grain yield, the more post-harvest residues and biologically fixed nitrogen will remain in the soil. Conclusions. It was found that pre-sowing seed treatment, foliar feeding with bio-preparations and micronutrients significantly increase the grain yield of peas, especially in favorable moisture conditions during cultivation.


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