Global trends in the integration of artificial intelligence in accounting

Keywords: automation, artificial Intelligence, accounting, information, automation, finance


The article is devoted to research and evaluation of the prospective development of artificial intelligence and technologies in the field of accounting and auditing in the global space. The purpose of the article is an analytical review of the current state of implementation of artificial intelligence mechanisms, technologies, and software in the field of accounting and auditing in the global space, an assessment of the prospects and opportunities for their development in the coming years. The task of the scientific work is to study the trends and directions of automation in the field of accounting and auditing with the help of artificial intelligence technology. Relevant current valuations and forecast calculations of artificial intelligence valuation in the market of accounting services are provided, the main trends and growth rates of these technologies are determined accordingly. The study provides a comprehensive overview of the scope of the automation of accounting procedures, and substantiates the feasibility of replacing robotic processing of databases in contrast to manual processing. The possibilities of the development of the accounting specialty, the opening of new tasks and the deepening of the participation of accountants in the analytical processes of managerial activity are considered. Prerequisites and impulses in the development of artificial intelligence mechanisms and software are separately indicated, influencing factors are highlighted and their results are evaluated. The main obstacles to the complex use of artificial intelligence technologies, such as reproduction of natural language, understanding with a person, have been identified. The importance of NLP technology, which allows a machine to understand and reproduce human speech, to automatically process large volumes of voice and text data in real time, and to automate data entry, financial reporting, management of accounts and other accounting documents, is well-founded. The main global trends in the use of software such as Botkeeper, Mordor Intelligence, Copilot, Turbo Tax Live and Quick Books Live, Azure OpenAI Service and OpenAI GPT-4/ChatGPT, Mailchimp are highlighted. The article focuses on the popularity of the BAS system in Ukraine. The world trends in the development of artificial intelligence were analyzed, the projected revenues for the period 2015–2025 from the technology market by segments were studied. The article describes the mechanism and scope of use of the above artificial intelligence products, shows the functional capabilities and implementation in the world market using examples. World leaders in the pace of development of artificial intelligence technologies in the field of accounting are identified, such as Xero Limited, Intuit Inc., Sage Group, Epicor Software Corporation. The prospects for the development of these technologies are indicated separately, and predictive calculations are shown.


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